
Hello gais, Kalah tinggal lagi berapa chapter je untuk ke penghujung. Keep reading untuk tahu permainan adrina dan apa yang arif prepare to face it. And unfortunately aku dalam proses pembikinan second novel for Kalah but still thinking either nak teruskan watak adrina dengan arif or shaleen with arif or watak baru dengan arif. But nothing to worry, as long as aku ada masa nak curahkan idea so that i will publish second novel of Kalah as soon as possible. Keep support me cause im too 'young' in writing. Then, thanks for voting. Aku sangat hargai. Okay cau duluu


@nuhaosem99 thank you for your support and I really appreciate it. But still im sorry tak boleh nak update selalu buat masa sekarang ni sebab i got banyak assignment to be done but please stay wait for sambungan novel KALAH. And again thanks for reading and support  


Hello gais, Kalah tinggal lagi berapa chapter je untuk ke penghujung. Keep reading untuk tahu permainan adrina dan apa yang arif prepare to face it. And unfortunately aku dalam proses pembikinan second novel for Kalah but still thinking either nak teruskan watak adrina dengan arif or shaleen with arif or watak baru dengan arif. But nothing to worry, as long as aku ada masa nak curahkan idea so that i will publish second novel of Kalah as soon as possible. Keep support me cause im too 'young' in writing. Then, thanks for voting. Aku sangat hargai. Okay cau duluu


          Hai gaiss. Err sorry for disturbing by this message. Actually i wanna inform about my another story, err tajuk dia i tak letak lagi. And maybe by next year yang tak lama lagi ni i akan publish. Chapter by chapter la even i dah almost siapkan story tu. Yaa, cuba nasib untuk publish 'novel' sendiri kononnya -..-
          Err thats all rasanya. i hope ada yang support i untuk teruskan menulis. Dan harap sabar untuk tunggu novel pertama i yang akan publish on 1/1/16 nanti. Alright. Arigato