can i ask where i read first bout ya sao story and im confused is jaymes partner still koharu like please cause one story is liz medina or idk but i know one thing i love koharu
As for where to start, I suggest Progressive Factor 1 and 2 (I have them in a reading list for easy finding) then read the stories in the Crimson Warrior Chronicles
For the SAO arc stories and post War of Underworld stories in the main series , Koharu is the main partner. For the foreseeable future in my main storyline, she’ll remain as such. Lisbeth is the love interest from Blacksmith and Warrior to Ordinal Dissonance. As of Unital Ring 3, she remains his friend with…complications. Eydis is the love interest of all three Alicization/Underworld stories and…she and Jaymes share an ”it’s complicated” status in the Unital Ring stories. In the Squad Jam series, Kureha is the love partner, but that’s an alternate universe in itself. Tl:dr yes Koharu is the overall main girl, but depending on where you’re reading, who it might be will depend on the story