
hey guys... just came here to say that unpublished Random Beatles Shite because my god is it embarrassing... sorry to anyone who liked it for whatever reason


hey everyone. here’s some updates, i guess. i’m sure you’ve noticed, but i’m really not active on here at all. the only times i’ve been active on here were to make posts like this, that’s really it. 
          i don’t read fanfics anymore, because i now realize the problem with fanfics about real people (which was the majority of what i used to read). to me, fanfics about fictional things is perfectly fine, but fanfics about real people is just flat out wrong and disrespectful. i know some of you reading this disagree, and that’s okay! most of it comes with age, i didn’t fully realize it until a few months ago honestly.
          also, there is a chance a may need to either change my username, or even delete my account. (i won’t state the reason, but it’s nothing bad! i promise!) i don’t really want to do it, mostly because i have a lot of memories here, but it might be necessary. i do have a soft spot for this place, especially since i grew up on here! (my cringy first posts are still there if you scroll down, i was 12! i’m 17 now! i don’t advise you to though, it’s really dumb stuff)
          anyways that’s it, i hope whoever is reading this is doing well!
          and this isn’t necessarily my last post, just a heads up i guess (honestly i don’t think many people care, but i guess i’m doing this for myself too)
          that’s it for now. pogchamp.


you know how you can just listen to someone's music playlists and discover so much about them, much more than they let people know about them? yeah, well, i'm currently listening to someone's playlist, and i'm finding them to be someone i never expected them to be (in a good way!) this is so pog


uhh sorry i was gone for a while but i’m back and i have a question
          ASEXUALS! I need your help! i realized i have been completely ignorant to you guys and i need to learn more about what it’s like to be ace. if you’re comfortable, please share a little bit of what’s it’s like so i can learn!


also yes hello I am back
          basically august and september were really bad months for me but I am doing better now
          also I kinda have just been spending my time in other fandoms tbh
          I still love the Beatles and stuff but I am just not that involved in the fandom anymore


actually this is a good thing because I noticed that I'm usually in a good place mentally when I have a crush... (idk why it's weird) so that means things are getting better! also in addition to my tiktok crush I may be falling for my irl crush from 2 years ago again...