
Why is Law of Humanity my most popular book? The first few chapters are kinda insufferable???


OMG guys I'm so sorry for the previous chapter it's still in the works but I accidentally published it. I had names for the original cast but since this is fanfic I decided to replace the names and need to do some fixing with the plot. Again so sorry ><


They say every good author needs honest and well-intentioned feedback. This is why I occasionally seek review shops to advance my writing skills and become a better storyteller. That being said, very rarely you see authors taking a deep dive into your book by reading almost all of it. However @Rosecherry6202's book, "Kpop Book Review Shop" takes time and effort to read all of your book and give helpful and considerate suggestions to turn your book into a masterpiece. (Also it's a great way to find other good fanfics too) Go check it out!


Tinkering and tottering, February Darling is getting republished! New chapter 12 is published, 15 and 16 went thru quite a change, Interlude is posted, and Ichi Go Ichi E is revamped! New chapters are coming... tune in to see some winter's fresh snow cool up your summer days!


          February Darling will be under re-editing. FD will be undergoing some major changes. When I finished February Darling I really liked it but found the ending unsatisfying, it was constantly bugging me but for the longest time I didn't know what. Now thinking about it, I think some plot points and characters can be more developed. Dw, the ending and the main arcs won't change, its the finer details that will be polished. That being said, I'm planning to add some more juicy content to this book that will make you rave for more!
          1. Chapter 12 will be entirely rewritten. From " A tricky treaty" to " Where is Your Humanity?" I jave taken a newer approach into creating suspense.
          2. Subsequently Chapter 15 and 16 will be edited to make the transitions between chapters flow more smoothly. Also little more details about Wooyoung's past will be told!
          3. Extra chapter called "Interlude" will be posted!
          4. Chapter 22 "Ichi-go Ichi-e" will have huge plot changes towards the end, this will set the final arc into a new trajectory.
          5. Three new chapters added! They are called "Staying Afloat" and "Winter's Wish". The main reason why is that I've been wanting to put more focus on Yeosang's character development. Metanoia is great but in it's own I find it underwhelming. The third chapter is "What Should've Been' and it will end in a much awaited kiss!
          6. "Pearly White Love" will have a change in scenery but no need to worry, the ending will still be mangificent!
          7. A "Deleted Scenes" chapter will be posted cuz some scenes couldn't make it. My friend said that some of them could be cool stand alone scenes but unfortunately, they do not fit well into the plot :(
          I hope the changes won't disrupt the story's momentum, but I think it's worth a try :D


Was rereading some of my old stories (ahem, Law of Humanity) and I was like "oh sh*t this actually slaps lmao) and looked at all my unwritten drafts and now since exams r almost over it's time to do sum...renovation (hehehe)