
I'm looking for a good cover artist to work with. Preferably one I can work with long term and build a good connection with to do all my books when I'm ready to publish, ya know ? If you're interested or have any suggestions on people plz let me know :D


Now, for those of you that are My Possessive Mates fans, this does mean updates will be slow coming but not stopped completely as I am writing on it again as well. You all have been begging me to come back and update (yes I see you and all your comments, I promise and I appreciate them all I’ve just been so busy with life) and finally as requested I am back and will be updating soon. Much love to you all!


Hello my lovelies, I know it’s been forever since I’ve been active on here and for that I apologize. I’ve had a lot going on. But! I’m here today to happily announce THE MAFIAS BABYGIRL IS OFFICIALLY UNDER RECONSTRUCTION!!! I am in the process of rewriting the book and getting it ready to be republished. Now the story will for the most part be the same so don’t worry too much about rereading the whole thing unless you really want to, but there may be extra details here and there. I’m so excited to be back and writing again for you guys. I love you all!


hey cutesy, I wanted to stop by here and say I miss you and your stories so much. Not the ones people sign up here for. The ones that you carry near to your heart, that make me beam so bright with happiness. Because I know you're truly happy with whatever you're sharing with me. I miss your company more than you may think and I just wanted to let you know. I love you very much and I hope there's an angel watching over you always -xoxo m 


still, 100% stand by this 


Heyy lovelies, wow it’s been a while since I’ve been on here. Sorry for the inactivity, so much has happened it’s crazy. I am also still so very sorry about the mishap with TMBBG, but I am proud to announce that I have just published a NEW book of short stories. I hope you all check it out and enjoy the little things I write in there. I’m excited to see where it goes !


Alright lovelies, I know a lot of you are probably gonna be upset, and believe me I am too. The Mafia's BabyGirl has been officially discontinued. After trying to get it and piece it back together, its just too hard to try and get it right. So I have decided instead to just start over completely. I'm gonna keep my characters and rewrite it. There may be some similarities there may be some differences. I deeply apologize to all of you who were reading and enjoying the story.