Hi, I'm a new reader of Harmony HP fan fic. My all time favorite so far are the books by DeliverMeFromEve, "Forever Kinght," etc. I working on converting "Forever Knight" into a PDF so I can send it off to this indie company that prints books on small scale. I decided I'd like to have a hard copy (well hard back sized paper back, what I call and oversized paperback) on my shelf. I like the cover you made but I was hoping to tweak it a little so the F at the beginning and the T at the end aren't a little cut off, and then but "by DeliverMeFromEve" across the bottom. Do you still have the original graphics when you made that? Maybe a clean background before you put the white highlight with the title? If so, could you send me a copy. I'd greatly appreciate it! I love that cover you made, I was just hoping i could tweak it a bit before I pay to have it made into a real book.