
Big news, friends, family, & followers! I am currently working on editing Shifters: Blood Of dragons for epublishing! That's r right, soon, hopefully, the first book in my series will be available at Amazon and other online retailers for just $1.99. if you enjoyed reading my first completed work on here, please please please show your love and support by purchasing it, and spread the word to your friends and family. I don't know yet when it will be available but I'm hoping to get it finished by the end of the summer. In addition to proper grammar and punctuation, there will be added details and small changes to the dialogue and monologue. Even if you don't end up purchasing the ebook, I just want to say thank you for reading my first completed work. Again, I'm self-editing and see publishing in E-book form, so it's going to be a long process, but hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. Have a great day, Darling Readers! <3


Big news, friends, family, & followers! I am currently working on editing Shifters: Blood Of dragons for epublishing! That's r right, soon, hopefully, the first book in my series will be available at Amazon and other online retailers for just $1.99. if you enjoyed reading my first completed work on here, please please please show your love and support by purchasing it, and spread the word to your friends and family. I don't know yet when it will be available but I'm hoping to get it finished by the end of the summer. In addition to proper grammar and punctuation, there will be added details and small changes to the dialogue and monologue. Even if you don't end up purchasing the ebook, I just want to say thank you for reading my first completed work. Again, I'm self-editing and see publishing in E-book form, so it's going to be a long process, but hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. Have a great day, Darling Readers! <3


okay, guys... I know, I know. I'm SOOOO sorry. I know it's been over half a year since I updated and I'm sooooo freaking sorry.
          there's good news and bad news;
          good news;
          I have several more chapters written. 
          bad news;
          I'm not happy with ANY of them.
          now, i know what you're thinking; WHY?
          well.... I really feel like I need to change some things, but I don't know what yet. but, to (maybe?) make up for it, I have the opening line of another book I'm trying to work on (idk where to take it yet, I'm waiting for that information from the characters because they seem to want to confuse me) anyway, here goes. the first paragraph of the Resnyk Chronicles Book 1;
          My name is Alexa. Take life-changing powers as a sixteenth birthday present, throw in a smart-ass Psychic horse, a really hot guy who also happens to be a centaur who thinks you're going to doom the world rather than save it, and a psychotic Knight back from the dead after five thousand years, and you've pretty much got my life.
          yep, that's it. I have some of it written out, but... I'm not sure whether to have more than one pov. if you have an opinion, please, PLEASE let me know because I would love to have it. also, THANK you to the 500+ people who have laid eyes on Shifters; Wrath of Dragons, and the more than 1k people who have read Blood of Dragons because NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think that many people would ever look at my books, and whether or not they liked it, I'm just so thankful to Wattpad for EXISTING and giving me this chance. see you later, my loves <3


          I lost the TWO FREAKING CHAPTERS that I had written out (and, boy, was it getting good) because I had to wipe my computer and like a total dum-dum  I didn't back it up. :( (speaking of Dum-Dum, I just watched the new Night at the Museum,and can I just say,Dan Stevens is GORGEOUS!) soo, now I'm trying to get the chapters written up again, and I have a little idea that might shock you guys... plus, I have a huge twist coming at the end, which I'm trying not to bring so close just yet... I really want to fit in a few more things before then. also, I convinced Mary to set up an Email. it's AngelsAndDragons96@gmail.com, so if you have any questions for her, just Email her! she'll answer questions, give advice, but if you want to ask her about her relationship with Dylan, you might just get "..." in return ;) (but Hope hacks it sometimes,so she might answer those questions!) anyway, I'll try and post at least a short update soon. also, what do you guys think of my posting a few of my Fanfic/crossovers where Mary meets some of my favorite book/movie/tv characters? my most active one right now is called "A Dragon Hunter's Day with the Winchester Boys" aka Supernatural. Dean's being a bit of a jerk to her, but if you've read her story, you know Mary don't take no flak from no one. anyway, this got waay longer than I intended. if only I could write a decent story this fast! thank you for sticking with me and being patient.


so, the good news is, Cowboy is gonna make a full recovery. the bad news is, he's gonna be on vacation until Fall.  I'll have to find someone else to ride for the summer, and, when the time comes to put him back in the arena and make him WORK for that vacation,  it'll probably be like the first time.... 
          Constant. Battle. lol anyway, onto the news y'all actually care about; Shifters is moving along, and I have a pretty good (not perfect, but good) idea of where it's going. and they will soon face the WRATH. some of you may hate me when I post the final chapter/epilogue, but I don't do that until after I've written AT LEAST the first chapter of the third book, so I won't leave you hanging for long. thank you guys for reading my book! it means so much to me, you have no idea. <3


so, I learned earlier today that there is a chance my horse, Cowboy, might have to be put down if they can't get the bone fragments from his leg,which there should be a very good chance that they can. but, if I don't update for a really long time (which I know I do anyway, and I'm sorry about that) it's because  I'm trying to get through losing him.  it may not seem that big to some, but I know a few people will understand what losing an animal that means this much would be like. I'm also sick, so I haven't really been writing much except for random bits of story that come into my head,unrelated to my unfinished Wattpad works.
          on a happier note, I rode a Mustang named Shelby at last week's riding lesson. and, this week, I'm riding an ex-racehorse Thoroughbred called Willie. No idea what his registered name is.  I affectionately know him as "Drama Queen Willie" because he totally flipped out (quite literally, he flipped) my first week at the ranch, and has wigged out a couple times since while tied up to be groomed and saddled.  
          I seriously, seriously am stressed and sick as a dog and my only comfort is reading and, occasionally, writing. I have a bit of a chapter almost ready to be posted, so I hope to get that up within a few days. thank you, everyone for hanging with me during my oh,so,slow updates.


ugh. I tried to update last night, guys. I really did. but my internet wouldn't let me. which might be a good thing, considering I read through this morning and found continuity errors which I've corrected, I think. anyway, the next chap will be from Hope's point of view.  I know the update is short, but it's mostly informational. I'm working on the new one now, so hopefully it'll only a couple days or so.


so, after I FINALLY update Wrath of Dragons (which, I will soon, I promise! I promise, I promise!) I will try to update Katie Kitten and then we might start to see a new story.  Diablo- a girl takes a chance on a wild stallion after a heartbreaking loss.
          PLEASE let me know what you think :) I'm really excited for this story. hopefully it works out. I started Diablo a long time ago and am just beginning to pick it back up.  of course, I'm also planning something BIG in the new update for Wrath of Dragons. I don't think you'll see THIS coming.


BIG NEWS: I'm working on another update,and I'm trying to get back on track with Wrath. I'm ALSO working on several edits for Blood,mainly fixing some inconsistencies I noticed when reading through (I hate reading my own work). but that's not the big news. it's this:  I have decided that War of Dragons, the third book in the trilogy,will feature POVs for not only Mary and Hope,but also, Dylan, Cassidee, Kio, maybe even Ryder. ALSO, there are going to be companions and/or prequels to the Trilogy,including something with the working title of RYDER OF DRAGONS,which would be the story of how Ryder and Ellen met! and Eyes of Dragons,which would be Cassidee's story. I haven't gotten much feedback from my followers,and I don't mind, I'm just thankful for you guys! but if you want,I'd like you to weigh in on what you would like to learn about the characters , and how excited (or unimpressed) you would be/are for the prequels. thank you guys!
          P.S; sorry about the cliffhanger on the last chapter of Wrath! I'm working on the new chapter,and we'll learn a lot about one of Mary's 'Team'. :)


The following lecture is NOT directed at my followers,who are quietly loyal. I have a bone to pick with the 'reader only' people out there who get mad when more than a day or two passes between updates of their favorite books. Authors have lives outside of Wattpad. updating their books for your enjoyment is NOT their sole purpose in life. writing a good story does NOT come as easily as a lot of people seem to think,trust me. it takes effort,imagination and *gasp* TIME! STOP being A-holes about a story not being updated for a week or more. you don't know what's going on in the author's life. if you think you could write a GOOD,ORIGINAL story and update more often than a lot of people do,THEN DO IT!
          I feel better. I had to get that out of my system. I keep seeing comments on the latest chapters of some of the books I read "when's the next update? it's been over a week" and,to my horror, "UPDATE,B*+ch!!" so,for those of you wondering at my sanity,that was NOT towards my wonderful followers. I have 151 reads on my only full-length completed work,and I want to thank everyone who read even the first chapter. anyway,yes. I love my followers for hitting that lovely orange button. thank you to anyone who might have put any of my books in their library. <3