
I was thinking of you earlier today, but I can't seem to remember why...


I actually need a memory refresh for that one. I remember a bookstore, but I don’t remember them being in a library...


Oh wait, just did... 
            The library you've mentioned in 'Ghosts'? Are there actual libraries like that? Do you know any?


Again, hi.
          I kinda forgot to mention this story, since I was so wrapped up with Ghosts (still am,btw.. don't think I'll ever get over it..) but you're first work that I read was Keeper, and boy, was I happy that I found it... For some reason, I have an orignal book idea that's somewhat based on that story, so guess would have to give you some credits if I actually end up writing that haha... You are an amazing writer, don't let anyone or anything change your mind on that.
          Love ya!


Thank you again!!
            Those two are actually a couple of my favorites, I’m really happy with how they turned out!


          Just finished reading Ghost, and I'd be lying if I said I'm not crying as I'm typing this. I'm usually very hard to crack, but you broke me in the most beautiful of ways. Thank you. For making me feel human.


Aah!! Thank you so much!!
            I was seeing your comments come through while I was at work today, haha. I love seeing people react to my stories as they’re reading. Thank you so so much!! I’m glad you enjoyed it!!


Also, @Harmonious_Wordsmith, I've posted about this book on my page as well, so that a few more people get to experience the beauty in this book. I loved it to the core.


I ABSOLUTELY LOVED KEEPER, GHOST AND THE DRESS they were all gorgeous and I hope you continue writing


@chanaenae88 Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed them. I really loved writing them, I was trying to do something a little different with each one, aiming to write in a way I don't normally do (The Dress is how my stories would normally go, but in Ghosts I aimed for a not to happy ending since I'd never done that before, and in Keeper the baby came before a real relationship. It would normally be like the icing on the cake for my happy endings.) It was fun to try to stretch with each one and I'm looking forward to sharing more with everyone soon.


Ghost was such an amazingly complex and well written book. I haven't REALLY cried from a book in a while, but this one was truly exquisite. You have an amazing gift. Again, how you made the characters. FANTASTIC! When I first started reading it, I was thinking about complimenting you early on how for once it was a true "Reader X" Story by using second person so dedicatedly. The plot twist at the end made me cry and words cannot express how beautiful the details were. You stuck to your plot, there were no mistakes, you portrayed everyone great. I'm so exited to reader "Keeper" from what the other people have reviewed it as, and what "Ghost" has made me think. It would be an honour to be followed by you. You have a truly amazing gift. 


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@Mrs_Margaret_America Ha! I remember reading this ages ago, I can't believe I never replied.
            I was a little hesitant to write Ghosts originally because my usual writing style is more sunshine and rainbows and everyone gets a happy ending. But that's also why I really wanted to write it. I had never done anything like that before. Whenever I wrote anything that required a character death  for the storyline, I wouldn't let myself get attached to the character that I was going to kill because I didn't want it to hurt. Haha. I finally decided it was a time to write a story with a likeable, witty, powerful character that would hurt like the dickens to kill off. Sure enough I made myself cry. Lol.
            I was so hoping that I would catch someone with the character voicing too. XD (Having the excerpt at the beginning of each chapter that doesn't really tie in until the end, and not giving the first woman a name, and then having the Reader show up halfway through the story and be referred to as "her" instead of "you") I was so excited by the nearly backwards prospect of it. It was a lot of fun. 
            I will actually be publishing books in the future as well. I'll keep everyone posted about when that happens. And it won't be something I post here, I've already begun planning for it, and it's actually a very different kind of story than what I've done so far. (WWII AU. I'm so excited!!)
            But yeah. Thank you so much for your review. I love hearing what people think about my rambling stories (Including constructive criticism). It's much appreciated!! ^_^ Get ready for plenty more!


Oh! I forgot! The beginning person actually bugged me and I was thinking, "what kind of an author would do this? It doesn't make any sense?!" 
            When I found out who the beginning person was, my mind was blown by your creativity and I immediately reread the book. I probably reread the beginning parts together about 10 times, loving how the situation of the chapter fitted the beginning first person "complaint." Everything made so much sense and it made my heart break by the subject matter, but it was beautiful. I am still in awe by how creative that was, and it made me realize you never gave a name to the first girl. Probably till the die I will say this has one of the biggest surprises for me. If you ever do publish a real book and need someone to read it, I'd be absolutely ecstatic to read something by you. Anxious to read "Keeper." Keep writing on! I loved this book. 


Ghosts and Keeper are so beautiful and Ghosts  is just a bittersweet story that I fell in love with and Keeper is just so full of hope and love. You're such an amazing writer!!


Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear that people are enjoying my stories.
            Keeper and its hope and love is actually how I tend to write regularly. Haha. I'm a firm believer that fiction should be hopeful and there are such things as happy endings. Ghosts was a personal challenge I posed for myself. I had never written a story where I killed off anyone, much less a main character, much less a main character that I actually liked. I don't like going through the pain of heartbreaking ends like that so I would habitually avoid them. I'm glad I did it, though: that's one of my favorite stories too. I actually wouldn't be opposed to Evans reading it, I'm so proud of how it turned out.
            Thank you again, I'm glad you're liking the stories. Just so you know, I have a bunch of one-shots posted on archive of our own if you're ever interested. My screen name is the same there.
            Again, thank you!!


Hey. I really like Keeper. It makes me smile and just makes my day better knowing its in my library. I get really excited when you update it. It's beautiful and I just want to thank you for writing such a good story. Also Ghost was an absolutely gorgeous story. It made me smile, laugh, "aww", and almost cry at times. Thank you for writing that, too. 


Oh my gosh, thank you so much! It really means a lot to me to hear that folks are enjoying my stories. I am actually really proud of Ghosts, too, haha. I had never written a story like that before, I always tend toward sunshine and daisies for some reason, so I wanted to challenge myself to write something sad, killing off a main character that I actually put thought into and made likeable. I'm glad you enjoyed it!! 
            (It's also a lot of fun trying to capture Chris or Sebastian's "voice", haha) 


I can't even begin to describe how excited I am that Ghosts updated today. I first discovered the story on Ao3 a while back when there were still only four chapters, and then happened across it here on Wattpad, but thought it maybe had been left behind. BUT, now I know that's not true and you're still there :) Anyways, wow! I could rave all day about this story. Beautiful. Pure agony to read, absolutely heartbreaking - brought me to tears - but so, so beautiful. Keep it up :) make a movie of it sometime haha!


            Oh my gosh!! Best comment ever!
            And I'm so sorry I took so long to get it up to date, I wanted a chance to read through each chapter before posting to make sure there were no inconsistencies and nothing I wanted to add. Haven't had time for that until recently. 
            I'm so glad you've enjoyed it, I wanted to try something I never had before, and I'll admit it made me cry too. Haha. I figure that's a good thing.  there are only a couple of chapters left, and I think it'll be sad to say good bye to this story, it's been fun to explore. 
            I would love to make a movie of it! Lol. I've actually got plans for writing a screenplay in the next year! (though not of this story)
            Thank you so much for your amazing comment. It really means a lot knowing how much folks are enjoying it.