
Okay, İ have this idea to start a youtube channel that i do not believe has been done before. İ want to take people's thoughts on a story they have in their minds that they will comment and make it a story with more details and such. İ want to read some of my own books/stories and thoughts on camera for those who would rather watch a reader read. Do you guys see what i'm getting at? İ'd like to know if i'm crazy and if anybody would watch. What do you think? İ'd love feedback. 


Okay, İ have this idea to start a youtube channel that i do not believe has been done before. İ want to take people's thoughts on a story they have in their minds that they will comment and make it a story with more details and such. İ want to read some of my own books/stories and thoughts on camera for those who would rather watch a reader read. Do you guys see what i'm getting at? İ'd like to know if i'm crazy and if anybody would watch. What do you think? İ'd love feedback.