that said I've deleted any story/whatever I had is now gone not like anything was rarely out of the drafts ;/ I took away like my entire bio. and now imma go through all my saved books :(

@HaroldTheFlorist of course, wishing you the best my dude I can't imagine how it feels right now <3

@s-starryknight thank you! yeah I figured people wouldn't have to do anything like this until yeah they know for certain but I just feel safer having plenty of time to rid of it myself and not leave anything behind :/ and it's not like I'm on here all that often so I wanna do whats best for me! :)

@HaroldTheFlorist aww I'm so sorry thisi s what you have to do :( other people have been suggesting that they won't remove anything until they know for certain it will be removed but if this is how you feel safest then I'm hoping that it keeps you as safe as possible <3 I'm so sorry you have to go through this