
I’m praying for all those people involved in that ginormous pileup crash in Fort Worth. I pray for those families and loved ones of those whose lives were lost and/or injured. Nobody would’ve expected something like this. God heal them all


So yesterday was our first football game and I’m a part of the crackhead band, and I overheard a conversation between the French horns, saxes, and some percussionists about Chadwick and how he died, then not to long after, the band decides to be their crackheaded selves and start a loud conversation as usual, then one of the French horns’ screams “WHY THE HELL ARE YALL TALKING ABOUT THAT?! THE KING OF WAKANDA JUST DIED!” and the entire band went quiet. Let me tell you, that was the quietest I’ve ever heard them when the director isn’t talking. Everybody respected Chadwick. We literally held a pretty long moment of silence for him. This was at 11pm. It was a pretty late game.
          RIP Chadwick. You will forever be in our hearts


I got a Health project about concussions due at the end of the summer, and given I’ve never had a concussion, I’m kind of in a pickle. The internet isn’t giving me straight answers and my cousin (who had one a few weeks ago) isn’t answering my texts. If you have had a concussion, would you mind giving me some tips, like what they do to you in the hospital and how long you have to stay in? I really appreciate it sooo much and it will be a lifesaver


I used to shrug off the Coronavirus, calling it “just another flu”, but damn, this COVID-19 shit’s getting intense...
          The Texas Government has canceled school for the next 2 weeks (for me at least), maybe even longer, who knows, and (thank god) they canceled the STAAR test.
          Stay safe you guys. Wash your hands, keep away from social events (if you’re an introvert like me, I know you will). Please stay safe.