
"Başarmak için ihtiyacım var sana, lütfen kulak ver benim satırlarıma.."
          Selam, TEXTİNG olan kitabıma bir şans verir misin acaba? Cevabın ne olursa olsun şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim güzelim, bekliyorum ❤️

          İyi günler ☺️✨ ve destek amaçlı beni de takip edebilirsin ☁️


Hey there, 
                  Thank you so much for your follow back, but, could you unfollow this account and follow my main account @Nathanprithvi instead,. I will be following you from this account of mine permanently,. And if it's not too much to ask for then could you check out the book I have mentioned below, maybe the books in it too considering the book I have mentioned here is a pamphlet,. For further details kindly visit the profile of my main account and take a look at the reading list under the caption of worth to read,. 