

Just a little update. 
          After a stop start summer we're hard at work on Orion Spur 4: Relative Concerns. Expect it when it arrives!
          Our next release will be a short story featuring Hila Llyte, set about 5 years before book 1. Further shorts looking into the history of some other characters (and maybe Hila again!) will hopefully appear at some point.
          There'll be an update to the glossary. It'll be new and improved, featuring hyperlinks, which means it will only be available at the blog. We'll let you know when and where to find it.
          That's about it. Stay safe.


Best news of 2020 



@CinnfullyYours Hope we don't disappoint!


I am super excited for this!!!! THANK YOU!!!! 


An updated version of Family Business has been published. Just tidying up a few errors and added a little detail. It also features a new cover.
          An updated version of The Enemy Inside will be published hopefully January. A new cover has already been added.
          And finally, the third book, Across The Great Divide is almost (for large values of almost) done. Expect that after the update of The Enemy Inside.


@CinnfullyYours We're excited that you're excited!


Very very excited about this!!! 


We've decided to do a short story. Kind of like Rogue One and Solo in the Star Wars universe. But better. It will feature a main character from The Orion Spur and cover an event in their past. 
          It all started after a throwaway line of dialog in book 3. It got us thinking about what the story behind it could be. We discussed it, came up with something, and decided not to explain it to the readers. And that was it. 
          Then one of us thought some more and wouldn't let the matter drop. An executive decision was made. A small clue for those paying attention would be made elsewhere in book 3. We left it at that... until... what if... and so the idea of a short story was born.
          Whether this short story will appear before or after book 3 is yet to be decided.
          Stay tuned.


Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
          Writing fiction is the art of telling lies. We introduce our readers to people who don't exist, then we make up lies about what happens next. 
          You might hear the phrase 'suspension of disbelief', but that's just a fancy way of saying 'lie'. You can't spell belief without lie! Not in English anyway. Unless you mistype it as beleif. 
          People are prepared to believe lies if they align with what they already believe, or are convincing enough. The most convincing lie is one that is closest to the truth. Does that make a science fiction story harder to lie about? No, because that's not what we're lying about. We're lying about the characters. 
          At the heart of all good stories, and The Orion Spur series, is people. The readers know people. And know that people do things. That's what we lie about. 
          If we lie about about a character falling in love, people understand that. Whether it's on Earth or another planet. If we lie about a character flying to another planet, well if we set it in space that is easier to believe than if it was on Earth.
          Sometimes people want to believe the biggest lie. In which case we lie even less. 
          "How do the ships in your books travel faster than light?"
          Oh, it's very technical, we barely understand it ourselves. Decay of heavy elements and stuff. 
          "How do they communicate in real time over vast distances?"
          We'll cover that in a later book. But look! Girl + girl sex!
          So we lie and lie and readers li(k)e.