
@LisaStanbridge oh my god hi friend hello >.< Have you had a good Christmas? I've just come back from holiday and I feel pretty good about life right now. I'm planning out a story that i intend to see through till the end this time so ay let's hope that works out :D Hope you've had a good start to the new year! Waiting to hear back from you xxx 


Wow...hi! Long time no hear. How could I forget you? That's a silly question. ;) haha Yep I'm featured and have a story that's over 800,000 reads now. Eek! Somehow I hit the niche. Still not sure how that happened.
          On a side note, I may quite possible have my first piece of work published in the near future. Maybe...possibly...I'm still not sure. Basically what's happened is the story I submitted was sent to the editor (a huge achievement as most people can't get past the first read, let alone to the editor!) and now I'm waiting to hear if they want to read the whole manuscript. If they do, then I might have a foot in the door. But I'm waiting...and waiting...and waiting. I will keep you posted. And it's not one of my stories on wattpad. It's something else I wrote on the side.
          But thank you for your kind words...I've missed our conversations. I've missed you. :(
          Yes I intend to keep writing. It's becoming more and more a part of my life, especially with publishing on the horizon. I'm still loving it more than ever. :)
          I'm keeping well thanks. Life is busy and I've had ups and downs but I'm holding on.
          What about yourself? What's new? How's school? We really must chat more. Take care my friend and hopefully chat soon. <3


@LisaStanbridge oh my god hi friend hello >.< Have you had a good Christmas? I've just come back from holiday and I feel pretty good about life right now. I'm planning out a story that i intend to see through till the end this time so ay let's hope that works out :D Hope you've had a good start to the new year! Waiting to hear back from you xxx 


To those of you who like songlets (short fics based on songs), I just uploaded one! It's pretty short and I'd appreciate it if you decided to give it a read, and maybe drop a comment telling me what you think about it. I'm sorry for being a stranger, but I can't promise to be anything more anymore. thank you for your support c: 
          Harpy x


Hello wattpad bestie.How are things stranger? I'm sure school is keeping you busy but just wanted to pop by and say hi and hope you're okay.
          I just noticed your profile and I wanted to say this: don't ever stop writing. If you enjoy it, do it because of that. Whether you're popular or not is not the point. It's the love of it that matters. I always enjoy your stories and I'm hanging out for the day when you're able to update again. :)
          Anyway hang in there, lovely and we must catch up soon.
          Lisa xoxox


Oh wow hello! You guessed right, school's been super crazy, and since I'm doing my final year I've got a lot more on my plate than I'm used to. Your message really made me smile, though. I like catching up with you sometimes on instagram and we really do need to talk more! Thank you so much for sending along those lovely words. You always make my day, I hope you know that. I've been writing lots but in my head it's not really anything worth posting, but maybe I'll put something up soon. Thank you once again love. It's always so nice to hear from you. xoxox