Hi guys, big message here! I'm glad to have finally got The Institute completed! It's been going since 2015 I think. The news is, this book is finally on Amazon! It's a Kindle eBook at the moment, but I'll be making a paperback in the next few months. It will contain an edited version compared to the one on Wattpad, and, I'll be adding a bonus chapter from the sequel! Now, I'd be greatly appreciative if you, as a reader, could check out the link below and post a review of what you think (having read the story here). It can be as short as you like, but it will be important to help readers on Amazon decide if they want to read it. It would also help my motivation in writing the sequel :) Here's the link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07HB8Y835 Please let me know if it doesn't work, and I hope to see you guys there! If you've got any questions or thoughts on the book, let me know below! Also, if you guys have any improvements to the book (as I'm editing now). Once again, thank you so much for making it this far! I hope you've all enjoyed Michael's journey.

@shalonsims thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and best of luck with your writing too!

@HarryB178 Congratulations, Harry. I'm sorry I never got around to reading the rest of your novel, but I do remember it was very well written and had some excellent characters. Especially that drill sargeant. The one with the Scottish accent. That guy was funny! Anyway, super happy to hear of your success in completing your novel. Way to go! Wishing you all the best in the years to come with your writing life!