
i feel bad bc reckless has gotten a lot more attention that i ever thought and i’ve never really “finished” the book and i haven’t written on it for years so idk what to do about the ending tbh bc it’s like a cliffhanger 


Heyyyyy, will you ever update reckless because it ends in the wort cliff hanger ever and its really good and i wanna know what hapoens next 


@Cecilia_999 its okay honey take your time love ❤


@Cecilia_999 hey cutie i dont think so tbh bc i 'finished' it in like 2016 and it only got the attention since last year and i tried finishing it but i couldnt really reconnect to it :( i'm still thinking about it tho


i feel bad bc reckless has gotten a lot more attention that i ever thought and i’ve never really “finished” the book and i haven’t written on it for years so idk what to do about the ending tbh bc it’s like a cliffhanger 


ok idk i haven’t been on here a lot but i felt like writing a titanic story IDK i’m feeling emotional lately so i did and i think i’m gonna post the first chapter tonight and see where it goes. i’ve already wrote like 5-6 but i want to see if people would read the first one IM GONNA DO IT there is a character named harry, though he is not names as harry styles, but i felt like bringing him in 


Hey babe! Thanks for the follow and for adding Karma to your reading list! Hope you enjoy it! You should also check out my other Harry Styles Fanfic, Legitimately Me. I'd love to know what you think of it so far!
          Much love!


hey! so far karma has been good and after I finished it I will definitely check out your other stories. much love as well xx