

I had a curiosity and I remember that you said it somewhere that the characterisation of Uttarkanda is different than Valmiki Ramayana. I just wanna ask that are there differences in the way Valmiki Ramayana is written and Uttar Ramayana is written?


@Harshika08 Hiya harshi!!!! Sorry I didn't reply I was actually busy with my sister's wedding and I thought that I would've replied but I hadn't. Hehe. I'm good too and how about you? I know I have heard so many things suddenly happening in Uttar Ramayana like him drinking alcohol and things like how they had women dancing in the court and stuff, I'm not sure how much of that is actually written in Uttar Ramayana but if it's there then I don't think it's written by Valmiki. Plus Valmiki already wrote "And they lived happily ever after" part in the Yudhha kanda/ Lanka Kanda.


@Hannahstorm311 I have had pen friends of good knowledge of the translations tell me that. Plus, my Idea tells me that the Uttar Kand came into preferance during the 18th century, becoming popular with time and getting performed and recited now and then. The stark contrast in the depiction comes in the change in characteristics of certain leads of the story. A man, who goes all the way to Lanka, and fights a war and rescues his wife, who ultimately sits for the Agni Pariksha, can't possibly dodge his husbandly and fatherly duties to do what the king demands. How much ever we amalgamate the kingly duties with Ram's demeanour,  he is still the husband who cried aimlessly and maniacally- asking for his wife's whereabouts from trees and plants. How do you justify this, with that recitation? I don't know. It will always be an extrapolation to me. Btw, how are you dear?? Its been a long, very long time 

