
Disini walau aku luah beribu ayat sekali pun tiada yang ambil sebagai gurauan


Hi, I don't know how to approach it, but I just published a picture with Txt. Would you like to read it? It is in the English and Portuguese version in a single Fanfic, I hope you like it and forgive me for my grammatical errors. 
          Bye see you! 


Guys.. I will hiatus from writing eng ff for awhile bcs i can't 'english' rn and idh the mood to write when idh the mood,the quality of my shitty ff will be worse than it already is...
          I'm sorry guys.. I am really really sorry ...
          T..T i didnt mean to make you guys suddenly have wait for your request out of nowhere but (ToT) ihatemyselffornothavingthemoodtiwrite