i never loved you, never did the way you thought. i barely enjoying things around you, i'm sorry, for what we have become. i lied, all the shitty things were my fault. i shouldn't behave and pretend around you. you know what, i'm deadly sorry you're in love with me. i saw the real love, real care and attention but i'm not the right guy. i'm the guy who likes man, i'm the guy who lied to you about being bisexual. forgive me one day for not loving you, for responding you with lies, for looking at you with fake love. i really like you as a friend, a good friend. but i hated kissing a friend. i couldn't say goodbye, i was afraid, i am still. but maybe one day karma finds me and kicks my ass. so you would be happy. i am gay, i don't like women, i never did. sorry, again and again cuz i don't have a better thing to say.
min yoongi, 7th January 2020 to his beloved(!) girlfriend
im so sorry