Where can I find the story Reconnecting?
To all my reader, I know that some of you don’t like to read my stories about Lan Xichen and Wei Ying then you don’t have to read it. I already put that in my description: if you don’t want to read a Lan Xichen and Wei Ying stories then skip it. No leaving bad comment please.
@HarukiUsagi46 to be honest.. I don't like as well that's why I don't read other ships but it's okay because hello pips, there's a reason why these stories are called fanfiction. Hay sakit sa bangs!(It's a Pinoy expression, don't know how to translate it)
@leadl2012 I agree. They said that they don’t like Zhan with other people beside Yibo.
Where can I find the story Reconnecting?
To all my reader, I know that some of you don’t like to read my stories about Lan Xichen and Wei Ying then you don’t have to read it. I already put that in my description: if you don’t want to read a Lan Xichen and Wei Ying stories then skip it. No leaving bad comment please.
@HarukiUsagi46 to be honest.. I don't like as well that's why I don't read other ships but it's okay because hello pips, there's a reason why these stories are called fanfiction. Hay sakit sa bangs!(It's a Pinoy expression, don't know how to translate it)
@leadl2012 I agree. They said that they don’t like Zhan with other people beside Yibo.
Hi author, can you write more lan xichen and weiying ff. I like it very much please only look at me ff. I like your thoughts on every ff you write. Please take away weiying from jiang sect.
Thanks author for your reply and I will wait for you to write. You are welcome and some people like it na. Your stories is amazing. When you will update next chapter.
There are some people who doesn’t understand the stories line at all. So one person comment on one of my stories “The Ties That Bind” on chapter five. And this is what they said “Why it’s so much like the movies I could watch it on Netflix again?” Like didn’t they read the description: I said that after one to three chapter it will be very different.
@SuzanneLH72 I end up blocking them. That is why you can’t see their comment. I found there comment is very rude.
@HarukiUsagi46 Unfortunately it takes all sorts! Just like the ones whose only comment is….update.
I has sometime to write new chapter for each of my stories. Leave me a comment and let me know what do you think okay? ^_^
I was thinking…..I will write my stories on the weekday and update them on either a Saturday or a Sunday. This way everyone can read each stories chapter all at once.
I was writing one of my stories “A Bonding Of Time” I have a great idea of what to do for this stories. Wait for the right time okay!!,
Hi if you don’t mind I want to ask you that do you know what lan forehead ribbon means for lan clan according to you I mean that why Lan Wangji has tied his forehead ribbon to wei wuxian in that cold cave when he didn’t love wei wuxian according to xicheng couple do you think that same way they were thinking frankly speaking I just got curious that’s why i am asking you
@DhariniPatel7 actually Lan Wangji already falling in love with Wei Wuxian ever since their sword fight on the roof top.
Well my dear follower and reader, it look like something is wrong with Wattpad. I can’t see what I am writing when it doesn’t scroll down, so I will be using my note apps to write first them transfer it onto my stories. It will take a while to update my next chapter. I hope that wattpad will fix it or update it. Thank you everyone! Stay warm out there! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wattpad Helpdesk replied back to me and there will be an APP update within 2 weeks. I think many others had reported this too.
Hey haruki I need help with naming my story and I think your naming skills are the best
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