this message may be offensive
No idea if y'all are going to see it but eh. I'm sorry but I don't know when I'll post again (might be soon, but at the same time idk if it's going to be a month or a year.) I'm facing a few difficulties right now, one of them being basically forced to leave my house, without a time when I'll come back. (Let's just say shit happened and I'm now living in a place where children go when they have problems with their parents (not an orphanage, I have no idea what it's called) and there is a possibility that I will have a foster family, but I don't know when, and if for sure. Again, I'm sorry for anyone who was/is still readying my book(s). I'll try to post, but I can't promise. If you have any questions, you can text me on dms, not sure if I'll answer, but I'll probably will depending on the question. If you don't exactly want to text me here, on wattpad, I can give you my Instagram, or other social media (ofc, if I have it.)

@HarumiqQ_08 (I almost wrote 'sorry for your loss' ) Pls take your time and don't rush urself. I may not understand how u r feeling rn and but I think u may feel stressed or overwhelmed with everything that have happened as in now, I don't and will not care if you don't update ur book(s) as long a ur take care of yourself <3333