Life is all about fighting the obstacles that throws at you. Maybe you'll feel like you are gonna lose it and that it's better if you die, but then what's the point in killing yourself? That just means that you have given up to the fight. Instead of saying, 'I'm done. I can't do this' , say, 'I'm ready. I can't give up. I'm not a loser. I'm a fighter.' That's when you get the courage to fight and that's exactly why you should. Don't stand down because people tell you to, Stand up because you want to. Don't let anyone tell you what you aren't. Don't let anyone own you because they can. But most importantly don't let anyone underestimate you just because they haven't seen that fire inside of you. 

You are beautiful. You are powerful. And You deserve to live your life the way you want to. And that's exactly what you should do.
  • I ain't gonna tell ya😉😕
  • JoinedApril 27, 2018

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Hash1108 Hash1108 Feb 19, 2020 03:48PM
Holy crap!! How the hell did I get 30 followers!!!???? And I haven't even done anything........
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