
Hello, people who still follow me and check in my messages ;-; I'm a little away from my new book "The Lost Hatake" dont worry! I'm still going to update and upload it till the end. Its just im a little lazy because unlike the first kakasaku, i must write this story while watching Naruto. I'm going to so another KakaSaku. Maybe short but good. Please keep waiting for the Lost Hatake. Thanks for reading my stories, thanks for supporting me, thanks for bringing me into wattpad :)


Hello, people who still follow me and check in my messages ;-; I'm a little away from my new book "The Lost Hatake" dont worry! I'm still going to update and upload it till the end. Its just im a little lazy because unlike the first kakasaku, i must write this story while watching Naruto. I'm going to so another KakaSaku. Maybe short but good. Please keep waiting for the Lost Hatake. Thanks for reading my stories, thanks for supporting me, thanks for bringing me into wattpad :)


Hello readers.
          So as you can see i havnt uploaded any other chapters in my new book "mistake: NaruHina" .. Yeah.. i just deleted it. The thing is, I wasnt doing 'well' on that book. I coulsnt make it. Im good writing about Kakashi... So thats what I'll do. Ill continue writing about Kakashi in a New book.. Im gonna try.. Something else is that, my first book was just for fun.. But it grew.. Not 'that much' but it got to 2k . Im so happy about it, thanks you wonderful readers! So.. Im making a new story... Im going to try! Dont judge if it doesnt turn out well.. Chapter are probably gonna last longer now, but they could also be uploaded later. So, dont judge! Imma try! Thanks for all your support guys! Bye!


kool I like anime I actually wanna make an anime too (honest) well I'm shut up now before I say something weird


@chimpy_themonkey If that's what you want xD


@LovingKS yep I'm weird haha were weirdos


@LovingKS yeah I'm a little weird and also I think it'd be best if I don't sy anything (like I would say anything mean)