
I have decided to begin working on a new story, and am thinking about making it a fanfiction. Please let me know what kind of ships you would like to see, genres of stories, and if you would prefer one-shots or a full chapter book. 
          	Thank you!


I have decided to begin working on a new story, and am thinking about making it a fanfiction. Please let me know what kind of ships you would like to see, genres of stories, and if you would prefer one-shots or a full chapter book. 
          Thank you!


If I've worried anyone over my most recent post written three or four months ago, (that I have now taken the post down) I apologize. It was not meant to cause anyone to take time and worry. I was in a very dark place mentally, and currently still am un-stable, but I have found more ways to cope with everything, and am still getting help. Long pointless story short, I am alive. And I will continue to be alive for an undecided amount of time. But I have survived the last few months. Progress, as some might call it.
          I have removed and deleted all of my stories, including the large one-shot book that a few dozen of you really enjoyed. Again, I apologize. I was getting a lot of hate over the older stories that were not as well written, and the hate then spread to all works. So they have all now been removed, as I felt that the writing was terrible, no matter how enjoyable the plot was. I'm still unsure if I will be writing or uploading any future works, whether it be original works, or fan fiction. If you would like to see later work, let me know, and I will take it into account when deciding on what I will do. 
          Thank you for reading this :)