
Hello guys! From the hospital 
          	I'm still in here and will be for a long time.
          	Two weeks ago I finally did the lung transplant that I need it for so long. After 23 years of health issues and hyperventilations whenever life was dear to me, I finally got new lungs. But I'll have to stay more time in the hospital. At least 3 to 6 month  or until I'll be able to breath on my own.
          	I'll try to start posting again new chapters next week. My family brought me my leptop and some books so I won't get bored while I recover.
          	See ya all soon. Take care of yourself ❤️


          	  Thank you very much! Stay safe❤️


@Hatori_the_nerd I hope you get better! I wish you well


Hi. I just wanted to say that I love your Lewthur oneshots book. Your an amazing writer. I have an artbook if you want to check it out but you don't have to if you don't want to. I hope you continue writing amazing stories because I can't wait to read them. Have an amazing day!!


Hello guys! From the hospital 
          I'm still in here and will be for a long time.
          Two weeks ago I finally did the lung transplant that I need it for so long. After 23 years of health issues and hyperventilations whenever life was dear to me, I finally got new lungs. But I'll have to stay more time in the hospital. At least 3 to 6 month  or until I'll be able to breath on my own.
          I'll try to start posting again new chapters next week. My family brought me my leptop and some books so I won't get bored while I recover.
          See ya all soon. Take care of yourself ❤️


            Thank you very much! Stay safe❤️


@Hatori_the_nerd I hope you get better! I wish you well


Hey guys. Sorry for not saying anything from the end of July. We were really busy. After this week I hope my friend will finish with the reexamination. I didn't though that medicine was so hard to learn. Well, I knew it's hard, but didn't though it was THAT hard. I can't believe that my friend can learn so much. Before last Wednesday when was the pre-exam of the reexamination session, they haven't slept for three days in a row. With that I finally could see with my own eyes how exhausting is to be a student in the medicine domain.
          Besides that. Last Wednesday when they took the pre-exam I had to come back home because of work and now... I'm in hospital. Since last Friday... I can't go back to my friend to help them, but also I can't go back home to take my leptop to write the new chapter. I'll ask my older brother if he could bring it to me and if I'm allowed to work. Unfortunately I'm hospitalized for God knows how long. So, hope I'll be able at least do my hobby without putting my health in danger.
          See ya soon. Stay safe and have a nice week


Hello guys! I have an announcement to make. One that I don't like it.... 
          I know that I told you that after 15 July I'll start writing again. So when September starts I could post the new chapters. But something came up... Is about school/university... And and my best friend... They had some arguments with a teacher and they are forced by that teacher and their university's leadership to redo an exam. Practically that teacher told the whole year they are in face to face a grade for each student at the pre-exam and in the official papers she put other grades and the whole year went to the actual exam knowing that they passed the pre-exam when they actually failed according to what grades that teacher noted on the official papers.
          My friend is really stressed after a hard year and I want go to them to be near them, give them support and help them study so they could pass and enjoy the rest of the vacation until October. So I'll have to go in another country and I think I'll return in the first week of September. I'll let you guys know what's going on and when I'll be back in the country and start writing again. Probably in September I'll do all the chapters I want to post in my computer and when they are all finished I'll start posting them on Wattpad, Inkitt and Tapas.
          Sorry to make you all wait again but I really want to there for my bff. We know each other since kindergarten and we are almost like siblings. They were there for me when I needed support and help and a shoulder to cry on and I wand to do the same for them as I did when we lived in the same county.
          See ya soon. I think I'll post a message every day if I can. So stay stay safe and see ya later.


Soup dude!  :-D (or dudette, or both, or- ok I'll stop now-)
          I've noticed that you've been voting on a lot of chapters on my oneshot book so I really wanted to thank you for that! I really appreciate it! <3
          Soooooo since you're an awesome pupil, I'll follow ya! :-DDD


            Hey there! Thank you for following me. You didn't have to, but thank you so much!
            Of course I voted your chapters. They are amazing! Keep up the awesome work! And can't wait to see what you'll write in the next chapters


Also, I want to announce something about each book I published until now.
          For the ones who reads "Lucifer x reader": I think after I finish posting all the requests I have now, I'll end the book. I have 2 new books in my head and I want to publish them here, on Tapas and Inkitt. But before I post them I want to continue my "Ment to be mates" book series.
          For the ones who reads "Lewthur oneshots": don't worry. I haven't forgot about this book. I just didn't find inspiration for new chapters. So this book will be updated REALLY slow unfortunately...
          For the ones who reads "Ment to be mates (~First time rejected, Second time in love~): I'm still editing the published chapters, but I can't find my notebook where I wrote the base of the story. And without it I can't really continue the book. Hope I'll find it soon because I really want to write this book series. I already have ideas for the second and third volumes, but I can't write them without finishing the first volume.
          Also. I mentioned a long time ago that me and some friends wanted to write a short stories book. Unfortunately one of them can't anymore do that because of the amount of work they have. I was thinking to put there all the chapters from "Lucifer x reader" and "Lewthur oneshots" books so we'll have a big oneshots book with all our short stories. This book will be created after 15th July so both of us will be in the summer vacation.
          So... Yeah. Hope you have a great Sunday and see ya as soon as possible. 


Hello Guys! How are you doing? Hope you're ok!
          Sorry for not posting anything for a long time. I just got a new leptop and until it arrived I had to save and clean my old one. Now I can do my hobby and school stuff and work without problems!
          The bad news are that I have soon the final exams and I have a lot of work to do so I can enter the exams then to pass them and enter my last year of university. So I don't know when I'll post a new chapter for any of my books.
          I hope that I'll be able to post more after 15th July.