
Guys i got my account back expect the drarry fanfic to be sometime within the next week to two years 


You cant see it but smiling devil and fire emoji


Update: meow moew moew meow moew moew meow meow mrow mrow meow mrowp mrow morw meow moew moew moew moew meow meow moew moew moew moew meoww meow moew mrowp mrowp mewowpw mrowww mrowp mrwo meow moew meow meow mewop mropw meow moew moew meow meow meow meow moew meowwww mrop mrowp meow mrow meowp mew mew mew mow mrow mrowp meoww meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow emwoe wloe w meoww mrop mrow meow meow meow meow meow moew meow meoe meow meow meoww mrow mrop mroww mreow meow moew meow moew mewo meow moew moew meow meow meow mrowppp mrowwwwwp mew mow mow mow meow meow moew meow moew meoww mrow mrow emwo meow meow meow mrowww mrowp meow moew meoww


Thou can’t exist in this world without remaining victim to constant harassment. Who is at fault?, life or the harasser? This could be merely written off as part of life, a life lesson as you would. This could also be seen as the harassee trying to get back, but get back for what you may ask. Well it could be the fact that theyre too short to see from the window of a door or one of the pther many things that allagn with that. This is a predicament, one could say im in a pickle due to the lack of assumption, opinion even. It was once said by a wise man that one with beliefs is better than one with none. While i personally dont keep the lack of opinion as a valued attribute it is the stalemate that continues to haunt me in this matter. Perchance.