
Hi there everyone..hope you can read my first story.."Into You"..thank you


Hello! How are ya? :) please take a read my stories "THE VELOCITY OF US" if you have a time. COMPLETED na po ang story, and every chapter has a lesson and advice for you.
          Category: Romcom ❤️
          Thank you! I hope you like it! ❤️ Votes and comments are highly appreciated! :) Enjoooy.


Good morning! I invite you to check out my MUSICAL novel Kildare: Smart vs Intelligent by Wicked Writch. It is freshly updated. I challenge you to decipher Chapter 3.2, "Every Cloud Has Sheep-ffled Lining." In Chapter 3.3, "All for Mom but Mom for All," you can use a mirror to read the story. In Chapter 3.4, "D'you Wan'na See the Colors Fly?" You have to change colors to read it. In Chapter 3.5, "Sense of Gra-attitude," you have to turn your tassels from right to left.
          Every Chapter has a song. Some music were already published through videos you can watch. I hope to hear you sing it. <3
          You have my thanks. :)