this message may be offensive
Bad friends and coming out. Sorry about not updating. Just got a lot of shit going on rn. I bet nobody really cares about this but if u have nothing to do and wanna here about my sucky awkward life go ahead and keep reading. Ok now I'll start. So I was at lunch with all my friends. They are almost all new Friends except for about two of them. And one of the two friends said "hey, remember when you wouldn't go into the girls locker room because you thought you were trans" now keep in mind she is the only friend I've told this to and she basically just outed me in front of all my friends. It was also awkward because I'm still trans and the only reason I go into the girls locker room now is because I can't afford to fail PE again and I'm not aloud in the boys locker room. But Back to the conversation. Everyone at the table looked at me and I was just like "yeahhh" and then got up to throw out my trash. Also one of my ex friends who was my friend at the time of saying this called me a "TransTrender" but when I corrected her she said it again and said it was because "I'm not really trans I just want attention" Also when I came out to my mom she said it was just a phase and she when through it too. Well damn I feel like 5 years and still counting is a long ass phase. But whatever. If you read this far and have any advice or just wanna talk to me that'd be great and would make me really happy because I've kinda got no one to talk to at the moment or ever really but u get the point. PS I'm in 8th grade.