
Hello everyone! 
          	There seems to be some issue on my end, and the form link; no matter how many times I try to comment or post in the About section of the profile, Wattpad is not accepting it. 
          	I am extremely sorry for this inconvenience. I will see that it gets fixed the soonest. 
          	Till then, 
          	The form for ROUND ONE Submission to Haven Hues Awards is here: 
          	Someone was kind enough to post it in the comments as well, and thank you so much! 
          	Once again, sorry for this inconvenience.


@HavenHues. Iam glad that my comment helped! ❤️❤️


Thanks for riding my story to your collection. It's not finished yet. It's going to be a while because I really want to make it long and good. And I want to add artwork for sure. It's kind of unappealing in its current state. But the notion was nice. I haven't gotten very many views. Only one person is really looked over the whole thing. But it's really not ready to read so it doesn't bother me much. I need to go back over the entire thing and take out and add certain details. I've changed it quite a bit. Like the powers that the vampires have and the relationships they share with each other. I'll try to remember and send you a message one day when I finish it. I think it'll probably be a year from now. But I expect it to be about $120,000 words.


Hello everyone! 
          There seems to be some issue on my end, and the form link; no matter how many times I try to comment or post in the About section of the profile, Wattpad is not accepting it. 
          I am extremely sorry for this inconvenience. I will see that it gets fixed the soonest. 
          Till then, 
          The form for ROUND ONE Submission to Haven Hues Awards is here: 
          Someone was kind enough to post it in the comments as well, and thank you so much! 
          Once again, sorry for this inconvenience.


@HavenHues. Iam glad that my comment helped! ❤️❤️