
I'm feeling really dry in the creative room in my brain and I need some short story/one shot ideas to give me some reason to live in this app a bit more. I would appreciate any and all help. :')
          	Sorry I've been so inactive as well.


One of you that follows me wrote a book inspired by one I wrote once upon a time that I deleted, I need to find it or it'll bother me for days to come.


@AESTAETHIK an Afton Family in the MHA universe XD book. I remember they mentioned being inspired by Tsukishima (it was my old username before I changed it) at the end of the summary. But they might have possibly deleted it which would kill me if they did. I vaguely remember it had a yellow background on the cover with FNAF characters. I'm not sure about the FNAF characters tho


What was it abouuttt, I’ll help you search 


Books I'm trying to write all at the same time:
          Bungo Stray Dogs
          Baby Deku Rewrite
          Editing older Baby MHA books
          MxM: Pseudo-Husbando
          Another Creepypasta
          And all have either a paragraph of gibberish or a spammed letter so I can save it for later. Please! Which one should I hyper focus on??? I need opinions and replies. Also please ask for more detail on what they are about if you are interested!! I seriously need to get my write back on since my English class SUCKED the joy out of it for a hot minute


Uhh I'm hyper focused on too many things. Updates might be delayed until my fixation for this app returns. I'm fixated on rereading my terrible MHA books, Crunchyroll, and a book plot on the theory of white holes and worm holes.
          So uhh I might edit (spelling and grammar) my Baby MHA books since they bother the heeeeellll out of me with the terrible younger me grammar. :\


*cutely randomly remembers the one mha oneshot you inspired me to do but i barely started it so now i need to start writing it*//




@Havesome_Cheese yeah lol, i had to look her up and keep looking between Sora and Gilda to make sure it wasn't s o close to the same//


@file_corrupted_ I've seen the first episode. I like the anime so far. :) So I'm guessing you are talking about the girl with big glasses and one of the older ones too???? Gilda??? I looked up the characters on Google BTW. (´-﹏-`;)


[Demon Slayer Fans]
          How would you feel if I did a Akaza×(male)OC?
          I have a few ideas in hand for the plot, but I just want to know if you guys would read it if I did decide to publish it. And I have the timeline figured out for when this story will take place.
          But who would read it?


So those who reads my books and actually read my announcements I post, should I update Baby Deku(Rewritten) or start editing Baby Hinata? Or publish another book? I have like ten drafts with either no pre-written chapters or one.  I do have one that has four, but I messed up on how I wanted the relationship between the two main characters to begin, so I have to restart the whole thing. (〒﹏〒)
          But who wants me to publish another chapter for Baby Deku?
          Or begin editing Baby Hinata?
          Or publish a new book? (I would prefer to not do this one since I have nothing really ready to publish one)
          So please pick one! I'd like to know what you guys think!!!


@Havesome_Cheese i didn't read baby deku yet so i say baby hinata so i can have more time to read it


✨For those who wear binders!!!!✨
          I am wanting to write a story where there is a transgender character and I need help just figuring out the binder part since I don't entirely trust google. :')
          So if you guys can help me, I would love it.
          Anything about being transgender, about the binders, it would help!!!
          So like, how long to wear it, what to do and what not to do while wearing one, how you discover your transgender, everything!! :) I'm really wanting to do this since I've never really done a story with someone being transgender before nd it sounds get fun!! And I am actually wanting to know more about transgender people. :)


@Havesome_Cheese how do you find time for this T^T anyways I would be more towards the baby deku or baby Hinata than a new book but it’s ur choice ^^


@Havesome_Cheese i guess just go for whatever size fits them at the time? if they are inbetween sizes go for the larger one btw, better to be a little too big then too small? there are many binder sizing charts//