
Just published Life In Delaware. It's just a small nature narrative about the place I grew up in


Just a small heads up. I need to update my laptop tomorrow. The updates on my laptop can either be really short or really long. Sometimes they even take the whole day. So depending on how long or short these updates are I might not be able to upload the next part to A Pinch of Bad Luck tomorrow. It should be fine, but if I don't get the chance to publish part 4, I will publish it Thursday instead of tomorrow. Sorry for any inconveniences 


I have just published the first part of A Pinch of Bad Luck. It's about a Goddess who wakes up with no memory who has been given a quest and teamed up with another God who has been ordered to guide her.


@HavilahRoseWriter Maybe, you'll just have to read and find out 


@HavilahRoseWriter ohhhhhhh~I Sence action,adventure,romance maybe *wink* *wink*


I have just uploaded my short story Aurelia. It's a story told from the journal entries of Dr. Louis Rogers. Dr. Rogers is feeling like his life is going no where when he's assigned to a research facility on a empty planet. That is until he discovers something amazing