To the most amazing guys I've ever known ONE DIRECTION I grew up listening to your songs I was 3 years old when the band was formed and when my love towards you started I can call these guys my first love my first crush I know sounds silly but that's just the fact everyone thinks we like these guys just for their looks.. But I mean we buy their albums and their faces don't play their voices do I mean come on if you can't love just don't hate them the journey of their songs has been the best from what makes you beautiful to history my boys have grown into such sweet humans and the most perfect gentlemen I blame these goofy asses for my high standards in choosing a boyfriend or worse crushing on a guy.. their songs have always healed me always made me feel better about myself made me love myself and they're always going to be same.. Zayn's departure has been hard for the whole fandom and even the band.. but hopefully everything will fall back into place.. 10 YEARS OF YOU GUYS SO SOON IT STILL FEELS LIKE YESTERDAY COME BACK SOON AND COME BACK STRONG Forever A DIRECTIONER