I find that as time goes by I'm tossed away a lot because I apparently make people around me unhappy just by being there. I cant help but think its because I'm worthless or that I'm a burden to thise around because have severe depression. But its not my fault that people around me are unhappy. I dont do anything to them so how could it be my fault but still it always ends up being my fault that no one wants me in there life. And that hurts me greatly on the inside.. as if I'm slowly being ripped apart from the inside. I just cant help but wish that people said the truth instead of just leading on you with lies to make you think they are your friends and then they leave first. I'm sorry I haven't been on a lot. I'm just to depressed to log in a lot. So I dont know if ill ever finish my qoutes book. Thanks for looking at them though and habe a good day.