I’m gonna give you guys some book names pick which one you want, The 12 of us (the funny book name) The last of us, (the scary book name) When we first met, (the spicy book name) or I can’t Believe You , (the drama book name) ?? PLEASE PICK!! 1,2,3,4!
Tbh I need new friends. Y’all are my new friends! So I’m gonna make a book! I need at least 5 people, I don’t think I got any boy followers so it’s just gonna be girls with boy (OCs) the sixth girl is me!
If you don’t feel comfortable with your real name just make up a fake one. The address is 13 through 16! I like if you pick around like 15 the book is gonna be a little mature if you guys want it to be. What should the book be called? Should the book be scary spicy drama, or funny?