
          	@calliev22 haha definitely ;)


(just posted it here just in case the latter didn't send)
          *reads in a Julie-Andrews-story-telling-voice*
          Dearest Callie,
          Hello, this is Nadine speaking through Cristina's profile. First thing's first... *breaks off Harry's hug and runs to hug you* *starts bawling* I MISS YOU CALLIEEE! I MISS O-OUR ROLE PLAYS! OUR WHOOPEE MOMENTS! EVERYTHING! 
          *clears throat and straightens up*
          For the past months we haven't been RP, I'm breaking apart. I really do miss our RP Callie. You're that girl I've always been wondering would be like to meet someone like you. But a few thousand miles of water and land *clears throat and starts singing you and I* can't separate the two of us. NO NOTHING CAN COME BETWEEN YOU AND I!
          Anyways, I've heard of this site, Omegle. You can just type in a tag, and the site will pair you up with the same tag. So I was thinking, maybe if we both typed in a similar tag (for example: 12#$ #DW) we'd both be matched and we can chat there! (here's the tag: 1d#$@#$345)<">#$345)">@#$345)</a> 
          If this doesn't work, maybe you can just wait until April when I can get my account back and my social media life back. 
          (Message me back ON@MrsLilttleStyles125 's WALL when you want to chat with me on Omegle)
          Miss you bestie! I miss you so much Callie *runs into Harry's arms, bawling again.
          Harry: She misses you very much Callie. Oh, and she left some cake for you from her 14th birthday party last December seven *hands cake to you*
          Us both: WE MISS YOU CALLIE AND NIALL! :c