
Thank you very much for the welcoming! I can honestly say that this was a very rewarding find. I am enjoying the ability to read all kinds of fantastic works that I probably never would have run into otherwise. This community is awesome! I've got a lot to share really and I only write short stories [or rants of people to never exist,however you want to look at it haha] so it doesn't take me too terribly long to write something new but I've had those lying around for a while with nowhere to put them. I just recently felt the urge to write again so I am running with it. Thanks again for the welcome you are awesome :)


Thank you very much for the welcoming! I can honestly say that this was a very rewarding find. I am enjoying the ability to read all kinds of fantastic works that I probably never would have run into otherwise. This community is awesome! I've got a lot to share really and I only write short stories [or rants of people to never exist,however you want to look at it haha] so it doesn't take me too terribly long to write something new but I've had those lying around for a while with nowhere to put them. I just recently felt the urge to write again so I am running with it. Thanks again for the welcome you are awesome :)


hello hayley so first things first. welcome to wattpad! *big hug* second, i must say for newbies you've written so many works up there. (that's a good thing. but this is my first encounter of that so far. hehe) third, when replying to msgs, hit the reply button below the comment so we'll receive notifications for that and lastly, good luck on your works and enjoy!! :D


Thanks for the welcome aya :) I am still exploring wp right now and I am really enjoying it so far! I may have some questions for you once I get to looking around more so I appreciate your offer as well! Yes I did draw that lol,besides writing I also enjoy drawing and painting so thank you for the compliments you are very kind!