
Man has it been awhile, hello my wattpad members! How are you! ?


You guys are going to hate me but I'm going to be taking down My Perfect Imperfection for some months! Theres going to be a lot of editing done to this, maybe some new characters and ideas that I have but have yet to implement into this book. But this will be going into effect 5/12/19 12 P.M. Eastern Time U.S.  So technically 5/13/19, However I'm deciding if I should make you wait for each chapter orrrr should I just edit the entire thing and post it all together. Who knows.


Whats going on everybody! So I was recently reached out to from an editor of FicFun! Which is a similar website to wattpad that I believe pays writers for you work if its worth the funding of course. In this message I was informed they were interested in "My Perfect Imperfection" and I was in shock. She then went into detail and mentioned offering me a "Sound Price" I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it. If anyone knows any information on that part please dont hesitate to DM me! When I started wattpad I wrote my books to release a lot of my emotions, writing was my type of poetry therapy if you know what I mean. So when my books started to become popular I was in complete awe that I was able to please so many people. I'm completely in dept to my readers because this started out as something so small,just a sliver of a thought and turned into something much greater. When I wrote this book it was supposed to be a short story for a writing class in highschool, my teacher called me up to his desk and told me "You have an amazing start to a book, you should finish it." Not in a billion years would I have thought that anyone would say things of this nature to me lol! Then recalling a conversation I had with a friend back in 7/8th grade, she was the one who turned me on to Wattpad. So I logged on and nervously posted my first chapter. The fear that I had mixed with anxiety at me up. Mostly because I thought my mom would find out about it, I grew up in my tween/teenage years in a church so the books that I was writing were to be seen as "wordly" also known as sin like books. Bad for the mind. I'm not gonna lie my books are rated Mature for a reason but who doesn't like a little sex in there books. It spices it up, you're pretty much on a wave of emotions rollercoaster you may as well get hit with a little sexual stimulation! But anywho the real question I need to be answering is If I'm ready for My Perfect Imperfection to be exposed to the world some more?
          - Hayley


@HayleySimpson24  I will forsure let you know. These types of things dont happen often. I just pray I dont need a legal help to negotiate/discuss the terms 


@HayleySimpson24 yeah exactly!!! let me know how you go because i’ve been thinking of doing the same. 


@Nicoleeejade Thank you luv! I've been in touch with some legal people to help me out in this situation. I'm not going to take action too quick because this is such a big stepping stone but at the same time...I may just keep it exclusive only for Wattpad unless someone can offer me a generous offer. That makes me the author I want to be and still be happy with the quality and quantity of my work @Nicoleeejade


Would you check out my books: Harmony and Your Eyes? I really could use some criticism. A lot of people just say "Your Bools Are Great!" but I don't know if I believe them. Thanks for taking time to even read this


@thatwonredhead  No problem, sorry i took so long to reply. I live a very busy life. If i could spare any advice it would to be as active with your fans as possible. Study your demographics ( as silly as this sounds) and continue to write.  These three things will help you a lot as a young aspiring author. Good luck! 
            -XoXo Hayley ❤