
Hello all! Sorry it's been months since I last updated anything. School has been insane but I should be graduating soon. And I'll start updating again ^^ sorry again 


Prologue for Batting for the Other Team just came out, I hope you guys like it. EAY is giving me some trouble while BOT is just writing itself. It could be a bit longer before the first chapter of EAY is out. 
          I'm sorry EAY fans. :( 
          But check out BOT! I've been doing the groundwork, and planning for this story for months. It's my baby~


So I got a job and I start tomorrow. :) Chapter 1 to EAY should be finished pretty soon. A week; two at the most. I should be starting on BFTOT's first chapter. The plans aren't going as I expexted, so it's taking a bit longer than planned. FFEL is just a side project I'm not concentrated on. 
          Soon enough chapters will be out. Promise!


I am not dead, I have alive and well. I've just been banned from the computer because of my not so passing grades. School's not over yet, but as it's getting down to the wire my mother has been very lenient on computer usage. 
          So yes, I will be able to update EAY very soon.  But another thing is I'm getting a job (because we need the money and I'm tired of being broke all the damn time) so the time I get to write will be cut down some. :)