
okay guys so who's ready for me to get back in action on this profile? 
          	I got an idea while I was washing my car about writing another fan fiction story for One Direction. 
          	I'm gonna need about four people to help me with the boys though since Ive been slacking on being a directioner for the past year or so. 
          	if you wanna message me and help me out, choose one boy from the band, could be your favorite, or someone you know the best about.
          	The first four to do this will get to create a character and be featured in my story. 
          	and I'm also going to need a nice cover for it. 
          	The story needs a cover badly. 
          	the title will be "Lost in London"
          	I wanna see how many of you are active and how many of you really Love Five Guys And Two Spies.
          	Because whoever makes the best cover, will get the whole book dedicated to them. 
          	you guys have from 23/8/15 to about 4/9/15 to do this for the cover! 
          	and all the Directioners on my profile who want to be featured in this story have from today 23/8/15 to 26/8/15
          	get moving guys❤


okay guys so who's ready for me to get back in action on this profile? 
          I got an idea while I was washing my car about writing another fan fiction story for One Direction. 
          I'm gonna need about four people to help me with the boys though since Ive been slacking on being a directioner for the past year or so. 
          if you wanna message me and help me out, choose one boy from the band, could be your favorite, or someone you know the best about.
          The first four to do this will get to create a character and be featured in my story. 
          and I'm also going to need a nice cover for it. 
          The story needs a cover badly. 
          the title will be "Lost in London"
          I wanna see how many of you are active and how many of you really Love Five Guys And Two Spies.
          Because whoever makes the best cover, will get the whole book dedicated to them. 
          you guys have from 23/8/15 to about 4/9/15 to do this for the cover! 
          and all the Directioners on my profile who want to be featured in this story have from today 23/8/15 to 26/8/15
          get moving guys❤


So I logged in! for once.
          its been over a whole year since ive had the motivation to write these stories.
          ive changed a lot though. 
          I no longer like one direction as a band.
          I don't hate them but I defiantly don't listen to them at all.
          I still love these stories but they will be going under some major editing these next few months and some will be taken down because I do not like some of them and they are not realistic enough for me. 
          The story lines got lost and changed so much and I just need to make chapters longer, and ill need some help and ideas. 
          Feel free to message me some ideas and don't be shy. 
          Also check out my other account, TheGirlWhoLoved_Him. 
          I only have one story up right now but ill have more up soon.
          I hope to see some action and love from my followers because I plan to finish these stories even if my love for one direction isn't as strong as  it used to be. Im visiting England this next January
          oh that's also something im doing soon lol.
          but its still a rocky thing because ive had a boyfriend im in love with since last june.
          hes a professional bull rider in the PRCA at only 19 years old, and travels around NM, AZ,TX, Washington, Nevada, Oklahoma, and a few more states while im stuck here waiting for my love to be home.
          our nights consist of cuddling, naughty stuff xD, movies, forehead kisses, butterfly kisses, neck and shoukder kisses,naming our puppy, and falling asleep holding eachother.
          Hes shown me that im a cowgirl at heart and not some city brat.
          hes shown me how to really party(cowboy parties are great bc I can watch them fight all drunk and i can drink most of them under the table and I barley stand 5'6" and weigh 135)
          I out drink my love (;
          and I thank god every day that I got so lucky to have him in my life.
          hes already talked to me about marriage and kids when were in our 20's.
          im so blessed to have him.
          if yall have any questions feel free to message me
          (that's been why I haven't updated)


That moment when you miss your best friend but realize you don't have a best friend anymore so you have to suck it up and pretend everything's alright. Edgar will probably just take the title of best friend with my ex Saúl in a close second. They've been their for me when my best friend wasn't. I thank the lord I have them in my life.<3


i probably wont be as active for the next week. ive sprained my wrist and it hurts me really bad but bailey is always active. ive been having some life problems and stuff. i know this is a bummer but my life and family come first. ill try to stay active but I'm making  no promises because  my life is complicated at the moment. I'm always ready for some questions though. i promise my dear readers ill try to stay active but in my relationship things have gone down hill and were on the rocks trying to fix everything along with school getting harder. being a freshman isn't easy especially with my grades as high as they  are. thanks guys i just felt you all should know my  plans and whats going on in life :) -allie