
Hello, nice to meet y'all. The name is Chu Xueye, u can call me Xue / Ye or my family's name, Chu. 
          	If u ask me why i choose this name instead of my other name? My answer is i like this name more than the other, And again, this name is also used as a sign that i have studied Mandarin. 
          	If u have a question for me, just ask on right way in this comment section (?)


Hallo Kak! Mohon maaf mengganggu waktunya sebentar ya
          Mungkin kakak tertarik dengan cerita yang aku tulis, temanya historical. Bisa mampir dan cek dulu ya kalau kakak berminat
          Aku harap dukungannya kalau kakak suka cerita yang aku bawakan, atau krisar jika ada yang perlu diperbaiki <3
          Oh iya, bisa hubungi aku kalau kakak perlu hubungan timbal balik(feedback) mau itu saling vote, mutual atau hal lainnya <3


Hello, nice to meet y'all. The name is Chu Xueye, u can call me Xue / Ye or my family's name, Chu. 
          If u ask me why i choose this name instead of my other name? My answer is i like this name more than the other, And again, this name is also used as a sign that i have studied Mandarin. 
          If u have a question for me, just ask on right way in this comment section (?)