
Kitty cat cat cat kitty kitty moggy mog. I got a cat being cute and clingy, ears so pointed eyes so gold, black paw pads on white floofy stomps. 


@fublle Cat's are Purrfect. Pawsitively clawsome.


@fublle to clarify there are three cat's. Yuki's brother is named Neo like Neapolitan. 


Can you follow me please 


@HazbinThere  thank you so much is Easy for me


The what questions get more complex in early stages. The other's get more complex as you write... sometimes rereading you ask yourself questions and use those questions to lead into the next arch.


@6gnycgb64tprivatere1 okay, when writing unwritten questions are your friends as you need to answer them in the flow of writing. 
            1: fandom or non fandom, 2: what is the background of the universe?, 3: Who?, 4: when?, 5:where, 6: Why? and 7:How?
            In the process of writing these questions help to make the blocks you are building this story on.


Hi can you make me a story about my oc please 


@6gnycgb64tprivatere1 I bounce ideas, I don't tend to write people stories for their oc's. Especially if I haven't known them long or am asked as soon as I'm found. I'm sure your OC is awesome, however I do have a code I follow to protect myself from burn out. I am focusing on my own projects... please understand. 


Kitty cat cat cat kitty kitty moggy mog. I got a cat being cute and clingy, ears so pointed eyes so gold, black paw pads on white floofy stomps. 


@fublle Cat's are Purrfect. Pawsitively clawsome.


@fublle to clarify there are three cat's. Yuki's brother is named Neo like Neapolitan. 


Announcement! My cat just licked my cheek like a kiss. In other news... I'm moving out so updates are gonna be SLOW. I have my cat Mystic with me... I got her just before I moved out. Yuki is staying with my parents. 


@GalaxyTeen24 I've been busy... I'm alright though. It's new years and only half and hour from next year... 2024 say good bye to your socks and the rest. 2025 is on the way!


@HazbinThere I hope life's going good for you


Okay, has anyone ever had someone they look up to comment on their book and be waaaay to starstruck with uncertainty on how to respond...? Because I am very much the sort to not know how to articulate how much I apreaciate one of my all time favourite famfic Authors reading my fanfic... I definitely would not know how to in the event of this... has it happened? Will it happen? I'm Schroedingers Tem, you may neber no!
          ....H01!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *yeets self out the window no clipping through the 9th wall through jitters*


          Okay... so I need feedback on my book... will someone,  PLEASE tell me about the worst and best points on my pet project Dream of Destruction..? I dont want to over promote it, but if anyone is interested in Undertale,  it is based in that fandom albeit leaning multiverse Forced God stuff... I have waited patently for feedback on it and finished the first book, now writing a second, so any improvements will be done in an editorial phase. Okay? Okay.... know that this is a plea for help, this is the first time I've ever enjoyed writing a book so much I'm actually making a sequel for the storyline that branched out so it'd still feel cohesive in the long run... but I need help!!!


@HazbinThere I don't see an issue there?


@fublle it's alright, I have a discord but I consider it my social media...


@HazbinThere I can try? Not right now, but maybe later? Do you possibly have discord? That way you'd be able to remind me. I'm currently packing to catch a flight home in 8 hours, so I can atm


So... I wrote a new chapter for Dream of Destruction.... I cried while writing it.................................... yaya.... I wasn't sad before writing it I just got so invested while writing between the hours of 3 and 4 am and the story I started crying from getting an emotional high............. yaya.................................. I know I don't normally say anything... am just very porud of this Bouk.


@GalaxyTeen24  well, I love writing. ^-^ also not weird or creepy at all, finding a book you enjoy is an experience akin to a kid trying chocolate for the first time... love books. Having a favourite author is normal, mine is Terry Pratchett though I'm partial to H.P. Lovecraft. Just know it's perfectly normal to have preferences and for those preferences to change. One day you may find a book and an author you enjoy the work of more then I and that's perfectly wonderful, my favourite fanfiction Author is actually philippaki oh here. They have a number of wonderful Undertale books so I highly recommend checking them out. ^-^


@HazbinThere I never expected to enjoy a story so much and I enjoy texting with you I hope that doesn't sound weird or creepy. No matter what though I am Dedicated to being your number 1 fan


@GalaxyTeen24 it's okay, thankyou for reaching out to tell me! How are you enjoying it so far? You don't have to answer,  it's been a while since I had a direct conversation with a wattpad reader for one of my projects.. this project in particular.... I'm having a lot of fun making it!


Thank you for adding my story 'The Silent Destroyer' to your reading list!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed!!


@fublle eh, perspective. 


this message may be offensive
You have a point. Though for myself, I have darker memories regarding my ut phase due to things that happened in my life at that time. Though it is quite fun to look back and be like "Holy shit. I DID that and actually thought it be okay to post????" XD