
Just Had The Best Dream Ever!!! I just wished I could live in it...my one and only was there...
          	I'll be updating soon!!! You can throw rocks at me then...just not hard*shivers*
          	LATER MY PEEPS!


Feeling a bit alone right now, but then again, I'm the only one awake. And I can hear trainnssss..
          IM GETTING MY KIK BACK SOON and I feel so HAPPY about that! YAZZZZZZZ!^.^ 
          I love everyone on my kik, sooooo much❤️


Hey peoples! I just have to say that I won't be able to update that much....I was hoping to...but then something came up. 
          I'll try to do as much writing as I can!
          if I don't respond on kik, I'm really sorry.... I don't know when I'll be able to get back on..
                         I MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY!  Love you Doc!^.^


Hi guys...I don't know who's reading this or not...who knows.
          But no one would care anyway...
          I wanted to say that I'm done. I'll still be writing and such like that, but I don't want to talk to anyone. 
          I messed up, and lost someone I loved deeply...and I know they don't care about me anymore. I'm meant to be in the shadows, to not be noticed.
          I'll do anything I can to fix what I'm done, but no body would really care. So...I'll wait till the time is right.
          Don't try to save me okay...Goodnight everyone.