
My mind is definitely not a place I want to be alone right now...


@SUPERxANIMExPRINCESS I want to update but I'm having writers block... I start to work on a chapter and then I stop because I don't know what to do with the characters and how I want the story to pan out. I haven't been able to work on my other stories either because of the same problem. I also haven't had time to write because of schoolwork. you would not believe how much school/homework my highschool makes us do.


UPLOAD please…………. pleaseeeeeeeee!


@Princessjune25 I can't upload right now because 1. I have a severe case of writers block, 2. I have been up to my neck in schoolwork because of final examinations for the semester, 3. When I am on the computer, I am usually doing schoolwork and when that is finished, someone else in my family usually needs it. my mom said that I would get a laptop as a late Christmas present and when I get that up and running I can hopefully start back on my books. I really appreciate that you are reading my books and I thank you for that but I hope you understand the circumstances I am under right now. I am also writing two other books besides The Moon Goddesses Daughter.