For those who forgot that I exist, well….. then you don’t need to see this.
For those who do remember I’m a person, then I’ve got some very important news.
In less than one week, I’ve got my birthday coming up on the 2nd AEST. However, there’s a catch:
It is my 18th.
In less than a week, I will become an adult.
In less than a week, all my fears will begin to emerge, and hopefully disappear.
So, this is going to be a difficult time for me. But, I don’t want to be too depressing. So, as a birthday gift that bleeds into 3 years on Wattpad, I’ll be holding a VERY special QNA featuring all my characters!
If you’re interested, then please post your questions below or in any book! It’ll be greatly appreciated!
Until then, see y’all on the flip side!