
Hey everyone! With us reaching over 300 reads on TFR, I thought to do something fun that is reader interactive: Ask A Contestant! 
          	I know it’s been a while since I mentioned this but this is a special occasion, so might as well use it. To be part of this, all you have to do is comment on this to get in. You can ask as many to as many contestants you want, the sky’s the limit! You can even ask me questions too if you want.
          	Once there’s enough,  I’ll post an entry in the TFR Shorts, mini Episodes and more book with each accompanied with their own pictures.
          	But importantly, besides this, I just want say thanks for everyone seeing my series. There are no words to describe how happy I’m for you guys for reading it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this series and maybe hopefully will see you soon the Ask the Contestants page! 


Hey everyone! With us reaching over 300 reads on TFR, I thought to do something fun that is reader interactive: Ask A Contestant! 
          I know it’s been a while since I mentioned this but this is a special occasion, so might as well use it. To be part of this, all you have to do is comment on this to get in. You can ask as many to as many contestants you want, the sky’s the limit! You can even ask me questions too if you want.
          Once there’s enough,  I’ll post an entry in the TFR Shorts, mini Episodes and more book with each accompanied with their own pictures.
          But importantly, besides this, I just want say thanks for everyone seeing my series. There are no words to describe how happy I’m for you guys for reading it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this series and maybe hopefully will see you soon the Ask the Contestants page! 


HI everyone! With only a few days left, times almost up for the voting on ep 3! As a reminder, the last day to vote if Feb 18, so make sure to make your vote count!


Note: Also, If you need more help, someone already voted so you can get an idea for the voting


@SpiritSilhouette ok! I’m open! Also, the voting is over so you don’t worry about for now, but I can extend it if you want. As for the voting, the voting will be in the final part in the episode. All you have to do is go to the final part, and vote on the following:
            1. Contestant to be eliminated
            2. Contestant (out of all current contestants) to win a prize
            3. Which location the guys are going to next.
            And that’s it! If you have anything else you want to ask, just tell me! :)


@HeadPhones202021 rurjhdjd i hope im not late because i have no absolute idea what you're talking about :sob:


Hey everyone…..as some of you probably noticed….i’ve been not as active as a promised…..and I’m dearly sorry…Life’s just has been…really busy with me  , so I haven’t been able to focus on the show. But don’t worry! I’m back in action and ready to continue! The next part should be coming out soon, so stay tuned! ☺️


Oh ya, one more thing! To follow along with is part, I’m also going to do a new short to explain what happened at the party. So be watchful for that too!


Hey everyone! Sorry for the long pause of parts coming out for ep 3, Life’s just busy for me at the moment. But don’t you worry! I just recently put something up in an art book for you guys enjoy while waiting for the next part to come out. I hope you enjoy it!


(Spoiler) (Sniffles) II 17 just came out…and…this is the saddest episode I have ever watched! I don’t even think I or anyone who watches this episode will be ok. Grab some popcorn…and some tissues..because this…..this is truly the end….. (full review will be in art book soon


Hey everyone! The trailer just came out for Act 2 (aka ep 17) of the Inanimate Insanity movie! And…wow. Wow, wow, wow! So much plot line in such little time. I won’t get into details of what happened on it, but I highly recommend you guys watch it!