Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2025, and a new beginning :D
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Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2025, and a new beginning :D
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2025, and a new beginning :D
Merry Christmas and/or Happy Holidays, readers and fellow authors! I hope you all have an amazing day/night!
I just saw James Gunn's first teaser trailer for Superman Legacy, and I have to say, it looks magnificent. Metropolis finally looks so bright. And the costume too. I really hope it doesn't flop. :)
"If I could have one more day, we'd walk again our favorite way, two friends together as before, but no, alas you are no more. No ball to throw, no bowl to fill, your head hangs limp, your toys lie still, no welcome bark, no peaceful snore, an empty space upon the floor. If I could hold you once again, I'd kiss your head, I'd call your name, I'd whisper gently as we part... You are safe, asleep within my heart..." - Anonymous As of today, in the morning of November 29 2024, one of the puppies has passed away at 9 months old with his 10th month being this December 1 2024. Despite all the help he had, he passed away to Giardia while I had slept after watching over him all night as best as I could... But alas, life is unfair and my prayers for his recovery are left unanswered. A part of me wishes to renounce my faith because of this event, it broke me completely as from what my parents told me he must've suffered one last seizure before finally passing away, looking at the gate of his cage where his sister and mother are waiting to play with him... A promise unkept and broken, and my heart is forever shattered and broken... For today, I lost not just a puppy... but a little brother... Rest In Peace, little one. (March 1, 2024 - November 29, 2024)
@HearthFallow I know how you feel friend. I lost my dog, Skye Blu, this May 14th. I understand what that was like. I grew up with her from the time she was pup, to all the way to adult. Skye was going through something, she was in pain, couldn't control her bowels, and couldn't walk anymore. We....we made a decision. She was put down in May, so that she wouldn't suffer anymore. Me, my mom, my step-dad, and my brother were all there in her last moments. To comfort her, to let her know she wasn't alone......................To this day, I will always carry that regret of not trying to do more, but......I will always carry her memories and love with me to the day I die................What I am saying is don't let that memory of your pup bring you down.
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening my fellow readers and authors. I apologize for my sudden hiatus once more. Writer's block isn't a fun experience, especially with Danmachi suddenly picking itself back up recently with new seasons and new episodes after how many years. The last time I even touched Danmachi was when Season 2 was the latest and supposedly last season since it was forgotten for a few years. But now with the new seasons and episodes coming out and a new game appearing that heavily expands the lore, I made the mistake of underestimating just how much there is now and it burned me out. I want my World Jumpers series to be as friendly to the actual Danmachi lore as possible because that was my policy when making the series to begin with. In addition, life decided to throw me and my slightly financially struggling (but not really that bad) family a curveball by delivering us two sick baby puppies. They are currently in the process of recovery and were allowed to leave the vet just last week and are now under housecare for the time being for another week. Its also Parvovirus, which has 50/50 percent chance of survival. So, yeah, there is a lot of pressure with my parents busy at/with work and my brothers attending school, so I am left at home handling the responsiblity of caring for the poor puppers. It's been a stressful time, but I assure you that I will bounce back from this like I did with my damn tubercolisis. I just need some time off to get my funk back on and I'll be back into writing shape. Anyways, I wish you all a happy day. :)
@HearthFallow Take care Hearth and while I’m not really a Dog/Puppy person due to my phobia of them, I at least wish them a full recovery and hope they get better
Had an idea for a new main World Jumpers story. I just want to know if you're interested.
@RewrittenROM Well, I already got GM's backstory and motives written down. But I'm not opposed to adding other World Jumpers to the team... I'll think about it
@HearthFallow OK. The story would be about GM's true motives being revealed and the World Jumpers working to stop him from destroying other worlds after finding out about the destruction of the GATE universe. There's a twist: it also turns out that GM is simply playing god, and the real World Jumper head honcho is away trying to hunt down GM and make him pay the price of trying to usurp leadership of the World Jumpers. 4 new players enter the fray: the first two having the power of Galeem and Dharkon from Smash Ultimate (but limited just enough to not make them stupid overpowered), the third having the power of Marisa Kirisame from Touhou Project, and the fourth being the ACTUAL head honcho of the World Jumpers (and the one who sent the other three new players to join the other World Jumpers).
Greetings everyone! Hope you're all having a great day! I am happy to say I am finally back and apologize for my sudden absence during the first half of this year. I've been hit with several sicknesses and been busy with personal and familial issues. But I am finally back and making new chapters for you all to enjoy. To those who enjoy my World Jumpers series, I got a treat for you all. A new chapter in Pioneer Tales introduces one of the most powerful World Jumper team that existed before the World Jumpers began their journey into the multiverse. I hope you all enjoy :D
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! I'll be returning from my Christmas and New Year break soon, hope you enjoy your days!
hey man I just read your profile and I found that you're Sagittarius just like me yay
Hey author do you take requests?
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