
This is such a good story. Very amusing. 


Have you ever found that you have a lot of work to get done, yet you have a limited time for internet. Perhaps you are using Wifi at a hotel, or your phone is running out of internet for the month. Fear not. Just because your virtual life is slipping away for a fraction of the month, this is actually working in your favour. With out distractions in the way, you have a golden opportunity to get your wok done faster the what you did before, and you'll have a little package of work to upload of all your completed works. You get more done, and you have more art for people to enjoy. 


There are times where we are lost, discouraged, or even uncertain about our works. And  more times then naught, I find that I have ideas for stories and artwork, yet my fingers remain ever so dormant as a frozen frog in October. Totally useless. Totally unmotivated!! It is times like these which we need to sit back for a moment, take a sip of coffee, and really contemplate wether or not we wish to go through with our plans. And if you do wish to see it to the bitter end, when you are tired and are on the brink of running out of internet yet somehow- miraculously- manage to press that 'Save' button, know that your efforts are not in vain. even if it is not spoken, or proven through words, your works, no matter what they may be, are beautiful and entertaining to the viewers.


So I accidentally deleted our conversation on my profile, so I'm barging into yours. Sorry!


            :) hehe! 
            I'm working on another image now. Going to practice a different style of art, and I have the first chapter of Hidden schemes up, working on chapter two. :) much to post. Much to post.


            I'm nearly done it! I'll post it tomorrow if I can!!