
Alright, guys! I've finally updated Worlds Apart! I'm so sorry it too me so much longer than expected, but I do have plans to keep rolling with that story! I very much enjoy the idea behind it and I can't wait to hear what you guys think, too! <3
          	Thanks so much in advance! You guys are awesome! <3


Alright, guys! I've finally updated Worlds Apart! I'm so sorry it too me so much longer than expected, but I do have plans to keep rolling with that story! I very much enjoy the idea behind it and I can't wait to hear what you guys think, too! <3
          Thanks so much in advance! You guys are awesome! <3


There are times when I think I need serious help as a fangirl. My music player is littered with shipping songs, my life on YouTube is getting upset at comments against my favorite characters and ships and then going to listen to shipping songs to fix it, and relentlessly supporting said favorite ships and characters in just about every little way I know how: write them in a story. role play them on websites, and, obviously, ship them. endlessly listen to the best shipping songs I know of them.
          Fangirling is serious a hard occupation, people. Don't let anyone ever tell you it isn't a full-time job. Because it absolutely is. #fangirlproblems


Hiya guys! I have been getting notifications on my phone from all your follows/faves/comments and what not and I just wanted to say thank you so, so much!! You guys have no idea how much all of that means to me, especially since I have been an absolute terrible person and not written much at all for you.
          I've been putting a lot of my writing on hold and discontinuing much of it, and not exactly on purpose. As much of a favorite hobby fan fiction used to be for me, I'm having a hard time letting it go completely. Last year was a year of me sitting in school and practically bursting on the inside because I couldn't wait to get home and write some more, although, granted, I was strictly a fanfiction.net writer back then.
          Unfortunately, I've let this little fun habit go out of practice. High school is an absolute pain and reality is no fun on my motivation to sit down and write even when inspiration hits, hence why my writing is starting to become a monthly one-shot inspired by the Wattpad Fanfiction challenges that I will usually try to enter each month just because I still enjoy writing those.
          Most of my writing now is dedicated to role playing, and I wanted to hit you guys up on it in case it was anything you guys did as well. I'm currently a member of several sites that I absolutely adore and I wanted to spread the word just because you guys deserve to know where in this little world I've dropped off to. I'll do another post with some stuff that I've been doing in case any of you are interested in checking it out. ;)


Okay, so some of the stuff I've been dealing with... If you're interested in any of it, please, please, please message me and I'll hit you up with a couple of links to some sites I'm on so you can check 'em out, because I'm gonna list off some topics that are on sites that I'm on now for role playing. :D
            -Agents of SHIELD/Avengers/Captain America :D
            -Fable 3 or Victorian-Era England kind of role playing or multifandom stuff :)
            -CSI: New York
            -Riding Academy/Horses (I've got a fictional horse riding academy site; you can check it out by clicking the link under 'you can also find me on'
            -Harry Potter
            I have site links I can give to you and some explanations of the sites to accompany those links if you're interested in role playing within any of those categories. I'd love to hear from you if you're interested, so please, please, please feel free to message me if you're interested! :D


Hey guys! This is just a shout-out about the one-shot I've submitted to the Wattpad Fanfic Alternate Universe Challenge for Fanfic Friday. It's CSI: New York like most of my other works, but I'd love it if you could tell me how I did!
          All of your support, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated, and I mean it! Thanks so much for sticking with me and for all the follows, reads, and comments! I do pay attention to them and every time I see them, it makes me feel so much better! Thanks again, guys!
          ~Kenzie (aka, Heartlander)


For those of you looking for some new writing, I think I might be able to get some of it done soonish. In two weeks, I'm having teeth pulled so I'm not going to promise much for around that time because I've no clue just how miserable I'm going to be (although I fancy a guess to I'll be very miserable and spending most of my time sitting and moping about with a CSI: NY marathon on to make it all better. xD), but I've a few ideas I'm working on, as you guys know, and I promise I'm working towards wrapping up ADGIDW in the nearish future. As for some of my other stories? I might not get them done, although I'm thinking that On-Call should be the one I'm most likely to save. I'm not really working on any of the others at the moment and I feel bad leaving them out there when I know I probs won't get working on them.
          As for the new ideas, I'm referencing On-Call and a new original series that I might be able to actually do. My muse has been super gone as of late and that's why my writing stories has been next to non-existent. I'm so terribly sorry for it, but thank you guys so much for all your understanding, reads, follows, votes and all the other things. It means a bunch to know that people are interested in the little writing that I can actually get done.
          Thanks again guys! (You're all epic! :3)


Hey guys! I finally got around to updating ADGIDW so there is an all-new chapter up! Lemme know what you think about the latest twist guys!
          ~And thanks for your patience and continued support, of course. You're awesome. :3
          ~ Heartlander (Aka, Kenzie)


Okay, so I think by now many of you know of my very spontaneous ideas and hard time updating them. I have a new idea, and for the sake of that idea, I'm slimming down to that idea plus my two favorite stories which I believe I will be able to manage.
          So, that narrows it down to Case Related, because I *promised* my real life friend that I would write it for her, so I *have to* finish that one. (Plus, it's not that bad of an idea in my mind... I just have to figure out the exact way I want to write it.) And, of course, A Daddy's Girl In Daddy's World, a story I do have every intention of finishing. That one is in no danger of being dropped, for those of you following that one, so don't worry about that. ;)
          My new story will take me into an extended, alternative universe of The Hunger Games, since I'm still on my Mockingjay kick. xD I'll try to get working on that one shortly, I promise. ;)


Hey guys! Christmas is just around the corner, believe it or not! So, to celebrate the Holidays, I'm asking for 12 of your favorite Christmas songs ever, and I'm going to do my best to pull together 12 corresponding one-shots, which will more than likely involve the CSI: NY crew or *possibly*, although un-probable, I may use some Original Characters I'll introduce to you in a story later, and hopefully before the Christmas season!
          So, what are your favorite Christmas songs? Feel free to recommend more than one at a time, as I will be picking my 12 most favorite of them and writing to them to my best ability! You can nominate songs by either replying here or dropping me a line in my Inbox!
          ~ Happy coming holidays to all! - Kenzie


Another update to my outside source update pages for all of you! If you don't get the updates through Twitter or don't have a Twitter account, but you have a Facebook, don't worry, because I've reworked my Facebook page! I'm going to try my best to actually maintain and run it properly this time, so I will be posting updates to the Facebook page as well!
          - With virtual hugs and cookies, Kenzie (Heart)


Oh, and if you need that link, here it is! www.facebook.com/h3artland3rwattpadupdates