
Feeling like I haven't been on in months, which is probably accurate. How's life, lovelies? 
          	School starts in one week and I really was hoping to have done more with my summer. Oh well...Too late for that. I was busy doing nothing. 
          	How do you feel about a new album? I think I'll post one soon-ish. But, you know me: I get distracted. So, maybe.
          	Love you guys


Feeling like I haven't been on in months, which is probably accurate. How's life, lovelies? 
          School starts in one week and I really was hoping to have done more with my summer. Oh well...Too late for that. I was busy doing nothing. 
          How do you feel about a new album? I think I'll post one soon-ish. But, you know me: I get distracted. So, maybe.
          Love you guys


I feel so accomplished and happy. "Slated to Die" already has 35 READS! You guys are the most amazing people in the world. 
          Thank you for making my day!


@HeartofKiersten Congrats! You deserve every single one and more :D


Heylo Lovelies,
          I decided to rewrite an old story of mine and post it on this account. Yes, it is on my other account still, but I will delete it from there when I have time. 
          I realize that I have only ever posted music on here before, but I'm going to try posting a story instead. 
          Please read it! Thank you.


Well, I'm officially done with my vacation. School starts up again for me tomorrow. So NOT looking forward to the start up again of drama and stupidity. 
          Oh well, life goes on, right? 
          What do you guys think of me changing things up a bit on here? A make-over of my profile, change of name, and a story instead of an album???
          All things I'm considering.
          All right dears, gotta go. The real world is calling.