
Hello everyone! Its been awhile and I really apologize for people who've been waiting for updates and all, my life has been very busy over the past year and honestly, and sadly, I had forgotten about my stories and my account. I only recently downloaded Wattpad again because I was reminded about this. to be completely honest, I never really had any intention to use this platform again because I do alot of my stuff on ao3 now, not necessarily writing but reading as well, I came back to say that I am very sorry to those who were waiting and if you still are waiting, I felt it was the right thing to do to come back and write this. I won't promise, but I am thinking I might try to update again, maybe even post another story or two, but like I said, I'm not promising anything. Idk if anyone is ever going to read this because I'm unsure that anyone that used to comment or talk to me on this platform is still here either but still, if this gets to any of you, I really hope you understand and that you forgive me for my lack in persistency. Thank you for reading this.


@Hearts4_Rylan I just logged into my account today, and I remember you! Of course I forgive, lol :3 
          	  Also, if you're comfortable sharing the AO3 account, I would appreciate! I'd love to see you're new stuff. 


Hello everyone! Its been awhile and I really apologize for people who've been waiting for updates and all, my life has been very busy over the past year and honestly, and sadly, I had forgotten about my stories and my account. I only recently downloaded Wattpad again because I was reminded about this. to be completely honest, I never really had any intention to use this platform again because I do alot of my stuff on ao3 now, not necessarily writing but reading as well, I came back to say that I am very sorry to those who were waiting and if you still are waiting, I felt it was the right thing to do to come back and write this. I won't promise, but I am thinking I might try to update again, maybe even post another story or two, but like I said, I'm not promising anything. Idk if anyone is ever going to read this because I'm unsure that anyone that used to comment or talk to me on this platform is still here either but still, if this gets to any of you, I really hope you understand and that you forgive me for my lack in persistency. Thank you for reading this.


@Hearts4_Rylan I just logged into my account today, and I remember you! Of course I forgive, lol :3 
            Also, if you're comfortable sharing the AO3 account, I would appreciate! I'd love to see you're new stuff. 


Hey!! I'd like to announce that I've been planning a new Rylan fic lately!! It's going to be one of my main focuses! But I will still add to my other stories!! My new fic is going to be called My Spidey. Yes, it's going to be a crossover with The Quarry and Spider Man since I've seen so many edits with that Au on my fyp! So I got inspired and I'm working on it right now, I'll notify you guys when the first three chapters are published!! Thank you for reading! I'm really excited to release this story!!




@Hearts4_Rylan WOAH. That sounds really cool! I'm super excited :3 take your time :D


Hello everyone, I know I know, I've been inactive again for the past month or so, I deeply apologize. I know you guys are probably tired of hearing my stupid apologies over and over but I really do mean them. I have been in a huge writers block recently and school hasn't given me any slack in work and stress. I've been adding little by little to a new chapter of each of my stories but motivation is really lacking. I would try my best to update more frequently but I'm afraid that wouldn't be my best work, my writing wouldn't be the best it could be, how it used to be perse. I really hope you guys understand. I don't know if any of you have noticed but I haven't been keeping up to date in the stories I've been reading from you guys recently, no, that's not got anything to do with you guys, I just needed a break, I needed to put down my phone and rest from Wattpad for a bit. But I will be making sure to get back into your amazing and such enjoyable stories once I get back on my feet abit. I'm so sorry to whoever enjoys my stories and I promise I'll update as soon as possible, I'm also thinking of starting a new story so stay tuned for that! I love you guys so much and I really hope you have a great week, thanks for being there for me <3


@starlinxgooo Thank you so so so much, it means the world to me <33


@Hearts4_Rylan Hey, hey, take your time. Nobody is rushing you to make new chapters. Remember, your mental health always comes first, no matter what. Having writers block and not being able to write and do things is not a problem, it's just what happens sometimes. Feel free to take how many breaks you'd like, because I will always come back <3 


Hello to whoever's reading this, I'd like to apologize for the huge delay in publishing. There's alot going on in my life right now and I'm feeling pressured and slowly losing motivation for doing the things I love like writing. I'm sorry to those who are and have been waiting for updates and I am grateful for your patience. My hedgehog passed away yesterday and I've taken his death really hard. And due to that I've been at an even bigger loss of motivation even just for simple things. And as like I said, there's more going on also. I will try to post again soon if the motivation comes back, I've noticed that I've become sloppy with my writing and my description as you may have noticed. Once again I am so so sorry for all the delays but I just needed a break and some time to myself and probably still do. I will try to get back to my stories as soon as I can, I just need time to clear my head, thank you for understanding and reading. I love you all<3


Absolutely fine. Take as long as u need <3


Hello Everyone! I have posted my first chapter of a new story I'm working on! It's a BlygBank fanfic if you want to check it out,! But I'm not going to spoil too much. I will continue Your One And Only soon, I'm just at a loss for motivation lately so I apologize I hope you enjoy! Have a good day/night!!


Hey Everyone! I am going to take a small break from writing Your One And Only for a small amount of time. The fanfic is not completed yet but I'm going through some personal things so I can't promise daily updates anymore, my severe apologies. I hope you guys liked where it left off last and I have lots of ideas for it upcoming. I am going to start working on a new fanfic soon and I'll release another message when it's first chapter is published. I might still continue with the interactive story which I was currently writing but I am at a lack of motivation, but after my small break I should hopefully have regained my motivation and will release a new chapter of that story<3
          And as always, have a great rest of your day/night!!


@GrusGorls_01 take all the time you need<3


@Hearts4_Rylan that's okay! Take all the time you need <3 I haven't read the most recent chapter yet but I just know I'm going to love it <33